Mamborap feat. Trek, Sub-One & Nowzes - Dentro de Cloakas (Batros Beat) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mamborap feat. Trek, Sub-One & Nowzes - Dentro de Cloakas (Batros Beat)

Dentro de Cloakas (Batros Beat)
Inside Cloaks (Batros Beat)
Mamborap, efecto r
Mamborap, effect r
Rcha Terrorista
Rcha Terrorist
Sativo sonido, yeah!
Sative sound, yeah!
Bando Psycho Madafacka!′
Bando Psycho Madafacka!′
Nos encontramos, volando bajo tierra
We meet, flying underground
Dentro de cloakas escribiendo mil temas YEAH!
Inside cloaks writing a thousand songs YEAH!
El bando nace con raper, siempre queda en la calle
The band was born with rappers, always left on the street
Tirando rimas y frases
Throwing rhymes and phrases
Bien Psycho
Well Psycho
Nos encontramos, volando bajo tierra
We meet, flying underground
Dentro de cloakas escribiendo mil temas YEAH!
Inside cloaks writing a thousand songs YEAH!
El bando nace con raper, siempre queda en la calle
The band was born with rappers, always left on the street
Tirando rimas y frases
Throwing rhymes and phrases
Bien Psycho
Well Psycho
Es que vivimos Hip Hop, don't stop, libertad de expresión
It is that we live Hip Hop, don't stop, freedom of expression
Y calle donde la verdad se relatan de callejón
And the street where the truth is told from the alley
Fucking beat is the see.
Fucking beat is the see.
Para hacer la mezcla, en cuantos barrios representa!
To make the mix, in how many neighborhoods it represents!
Y suena!
And it sounds!
Alla afuera que aqui adentro tamos flip en la street
Out there because here we are flipping on the street
Fumo weed hasta el fin de mis temas! mi problema?
I smoke weed until the end of my songs! my problem?
Es saber que nuestra fuck police esta coludida con el sistema!
It is to know that our fuck police is colluded with the system!
Me disgusta tu disculpa! absurda su disputa contra el bando Psycho
I dislike your apology! absurd their dispute against the Psycho gang
Si saben que la clave absoluta es virar a los que ensucian la esencia
If they know that the absolute key is to turn to those who stain the essence
Y nuestro caminar!
And our walk!
Desde Santiago de chile
From Santiago de Chile
Rodao de insectos y reptiles
Surrounded by insects and reptiles
Navego en underground pa que sienta a lo que vine
I navigate in underground so that you feel what I came for
Vine con los miles, a vivir la vola
I came with the thousands, to live the flight
Y no les traje tontería, yo les traigo hip hop MAN!
And I didn't bring you nonsense, I bring you hip hop MAN!
SHAO! Desde alcantarillao
SHAO! From alcantarillao
Fumando mierda fresca con los broca mas mambiao!
Smoking fresh shit with the most mambiao bro!
La torreja! también existen sumberley
The turret! sumberley also exist
Esos que despiertan apretando el puto play!
Those who wake up by pressing the fucking play!
De la radio, y a diario, viven la edad del barrio
From the radio, and daily, they live the age of the neighborhood
Las rata que los odio por su PUTO VESTUARIO!
The rats I hate for their FUCKING CLOTHING!
Somos el psycho band that representa
We are the psycho band that represents
Bohemia con rap, son la mezcla perfecta!
Bohemia with rap, they are the perfect mix!
Flow bajo tierra, pa que escuchen las perras
Underground flow, for bitches to hear
Que su boca no cierran, quieren, buscan problemas
That their mouths don't close, they want, they look for problems
Para que!
What for!
Si fluye en el under y quiero quitarme el estrés!
If it flows in the under and I want to take away the stress!
Recorriendo los lugares y así es como desperté!
Walking the places and that's how I woke up!
Con el flow de la calle! Hoy somos hermanos!
With the flow of the street! Today we are brothers!
Dando rap pa que ahora ensaye y ante todo conformamos
Giving rap so that now you rehearse and above all we conform
De un sonido Psycho
Of a Psycho sound
Sigo en la misma en el mismo camino
I'm still on the same path
Bajo tierra Ando!
I walk underground!
Estilo, cultura, hip hop de la calle lo vivo.
Style, culture, street hip hop I live it.
Nunca hubo dudas, encerrao en humo
There were never any doubts, locked in smoke
Fase previa antes de la escritura
Previous phase before writing
Y sin censura, abertura a la cultura
And without censorship, opening up to culture
Del hip hop callejero, YEAH!
Of street hip hop, YEAH!
Esto perdura
This lasts
Nuevamente, el bando psycho, lirica Underground
Again, the psycho gang, Underground lyrics
Que te atrapo solo un rato como un cabo de los round
That caught you only for a while like a round end
De hace rato que estos vato están rapeando connotao
For a while now these vato have been rapping connotation
Lanzao, lestao, inyectao, PREOCUPAO
Launched, ready, injected, WORRIED
Santiago lo ha comprobao, ya nadie se quea callao
Santiago has proven it, nobody is silent anymore
Si compite con un bando, fortifica su legao
If he competes with a gang, he fortifies his legacy
Por eso soy estructurao, como el broca he caminao!
That's why I'm structured, like the broca I've walked!
Buscando un presente sin que el futuro vuelva al pasao
Looking for a present without the future returning to the past
Aguanten wacho que el barrio y el represent
Hold on wacho that the neighborhood and the represent
Bando psycho! underground puedes ver
Psycho gang! underground you can see
Que los que vamos pal barrio nos de recien
That those of us who go to the neighborhood give us newly
Por el hip hop dejo la vida en un LP
For hip hop I left my life on an LP
Por el rap lo dejo todo, no hay nada que se parezca
For rap I leave it all, there is nothing like it
Que la familia crezca, que la matita fresca
That the family grows, that the little girl is fresh
Pero underground
But underground
Letra y flow, máxima terapia expresa
Lyrics and flow, maximum express therapy
Tu sabes muy bien que estamos de la cabeza
You know very well that we are out of our minds
Dos, uno, uno, one, two, mas salvaje!
Two, one, one, one, two, wilder!
Vamos escupiendo el coraje
Let's spit out the courage
Ven que te invito a mi viaje, música el trance, avance
Come, I invite you on my trip, music, trance, advance
No se quede estático, ritmo magnético
Don't stay static, magnetic rhythm
Volando bajo tierra, noches, calles, esquinas, detalles, bacilon, o raper
Flying underground, nights, streets, corners, details, bacilon, or rapper
Improvisación, hasta que el sol sale, esto es lo que esperaban
Improvisation, until the sun rises, this is what you were waiting for
Escritores claves
Key writers
"-¿Oye quienes son esos locos?
"-Hey who are those crazy people?
-El bando psycho po hermano
-The psycho gang by brother
-Aaah los culiaos psycho!
-Aaah the psycho assholes!
-Jajaja,′¿ los conoci?
-Hahaha, did you know them?
-Jajajaj no."
-Hahaha no."
Se le subió la droga, tomo mas que lora, te lo digo de cora
The drug went up to his head, he took more than lora, I tell you from the heart
Haga porras!
Make cheers!
Porque le llegue la hora y el cable del micro lo usa de soga
Because the time comes and he uses the microphone cable as a rope
Se lo dañe la moda, freestyle te incomoda
Fashion damaged it, freestyle bothers you
Tu rap esta en descenso y prueba pa las emisoras
Your rap is on the decline and proof for radio stations
Y me critica!
And criticize me!
(Porque... le da pica!)
(Because... it gives you pica!)
Yo sabia que en el micro le aplica
I knew that he applies it to the microphone
Critica suplica, y me haces un helaoooo
Criticism supplication, and you make me a helaoooo
Que de cuando mi micro mastica
That when my microphone chews
Le gusta como a la cabra chica
She likes it like the little girl
El mambo sigue la escencia Underground!
The mambo continues the Underground essence!
Hey tu, dejaloooo
Hey you, leave it
(Que el que tira mierda, habla, critica el nivel no alcanza)
(That the one who throws shit, speaks, criticizes the level does not reach)
El rap, vivelooooo
Rap, live it
(Con respeto unidad amor al rap asi se avanza)
(With respect, unity, love for rap, that's how you move forward)
Nos encontramos, volando bajo tierra
We meet, flying underground
Dentro de cloakas escribiendo mil temas YEAH!
Inside cloaks writing a thousand songs YEAH!
El bando nace con raper, siempre queda en la calle
The band was born with rappers, always left on the street
Tirando rimas y frases
Throwing rhymes and phrases
Bien Psycho
Well Psycho
Nos encontramos, volando bajo tierra
We meet, flying underground
Dentro de cloakas escribiendo mil temas YEAH!
Inside cloaks writing a thousand songs YEAH!
El bando nace con raper, siempre queda en la calle
The band was born with rappers, always left on the street
Tirando rimas y frases
Throwing rhymes and phrases
Bien Psycho
Bien Psycho

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