Manel - A Veure Què En Fem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Manel - A Veure Què En Fem

A Veure Què En Fem
Just Waiting to See What Happens
I ara preguntes exactament què està passant
And now you're wondering what this is all about,
–Tu, que ho tenies tot tan lligat–
–You, who had everything figured out–
I dissimules, però crec que ho vas enganxant,
And you pretend, but I think you're starting to catch on,
Per més que cridis, no respondran.
No matter how much you shout, they won't answer.
Els monstres de la teva infantesa trista,
The ghosts of your gloomy childhood,
El cos de professors que et va agafar mania,
The teachers who made your life a misery,
No els miràvem i se'n van anar
We turned a blind eye to them, and they just disappeared
I això, en silenci, s'anava fent gran.
And this, all the while, silently began to fester.
Tampoc hi estic molt familiaritzat,
I'm not very familiar with it either,
Però em temo que és una oportunitat.
But I'm afraid it's an opportunity.
I ara comences a entendre els pobres desgraciats
And now you start understanding those poor souls
Que des d'un taxi van treure el cap
Who poked their head out of a taxi and yelled:
Cridant: "Prepara't, que al final et tocarà
"Get ready, because sooner or later, it'll be your turn
Aprendre a viure i a no culpar
To learn to live without blaming it on
A la verola borda i a la tos ferina,
The pox and whooping cough,
Al papa i a la mama i als crims del nazisme".
The Pope, the Mom, the Nazis.".
I ¿què hi farem si ens vam despistar
And what if we got sidetracked
I això avançava infectant-nos la sang?
And this spread through our veins, infecting our blood?
Prova somriure davant del mirall,
Try to smile when you look at yourself in the mirror,
Que ara tenim una oportunitat.
Because now we have an opportunity.
Vam llevar-nos emprenyats per un soroll,
We got up pissed off because of the noise of some loud student party,
Maleint alguna festa d'estudiants tronada,
Cursing some stupid party,
Quan vam veure un feix de llum, una claror,
When we saw a ray of light, a glow,
Avançant entre els llençols, fregant les cames.
Moving between the sheets, brushing against our legs.
Vam notar que tremolava la porta del balcó
We noticed the balcony door trembling
(Abans d'obrir vas comprovar el nus de la bata)
(Before opening it, you checked to make sure your robe was on tight)
Al carrer, entre un immens núvol de pols
Outside, in a huge cloud of dust
Fugien en desbandada animal
They were fleeing in a wild animal panic
Les cançons que no avisaven que mentien,
The songs that never warned us that they were lying,
Les frases serioses que ja feien riure,
The serious phrases that already made us laugh,
I van deixar-nos aquesta veritat
And they left this truth with us
Que em sap molt greu, però per sempre sabràs:
Which I'm very sorry about, but you'll always remember:
Pots agafar-la o deixar-la passar
You can take hold of it or let it pass you by
Però ara tenim una oportunitat.
But now we have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Ha, ha, ha! A veure què en fem.
Ha, ha, ha! Just wait and see what happens.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Ha, ha, ha! A veure què en fem.
Ha, ha, ha! Just wait and see what happens.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Tenim una oportunitat.
We have an opportunity.
Ha, ha, ha! A veure què en fem.
Ha, ha, ha! Just wait and see what happens.

Авторы: Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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