Manel - El miquel i l'Olga tornen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manel - El miquel i l'Olga tornen

El miquel i l'Olga tornen
Michael and Olga Are Coming Back
Calleu, nobles consellers, guardeu-vos la raó que us quedi
Be quiet, noble councilors, keep to yourself the little sense you have left
I, amb un pas viu i decidit, marxeu on sigui que us esperin.
And with a quick and determined step, go wherever they are waiting for you.
Baixeu les baldes, ajusteu finestres i correu cortines.
Lower the buckets, fix the windows and run the curtains.
Poseu els nens al llit; si dormen, mireu com respiren.
Put the children to bed if they sleep, watch them breathe.
Perquè, si és bo o és dolent, no importa molt ara mateix.
Because if it is good or bad, it does not matter much now.
Que sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer.
That it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it.
Que sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer!
That it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it!
Voleu, amables pretendents, fins altres braços que us valorin
You want, dear suitors, other arms that will value you
I, pel camí, no pregunteu, deixeu que el nostre amor es fongui.
And on the way, do not ask, let our love melt.
Guardarem com un tresor les vostres panxes, les carícies,
We will keep your bellies and caresses as a treasure,
I ho jurem, per un moment, ens pensàvem que podíem
And we swear, for a moment, we thought we could
Però, si truca algú, no contesteu,
But if someone calls, don't answer,
Que el cel ja és prou ple de valents.
That heaven is already full of brave people.
I sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer!
And it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it!
I sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer!
And it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it!
Guardeu-vos forces, bona gent, potser ens veurem un altre dia.
Take care, good people, maybe we will see you another day.
Sabem que volíeu fer més, però, què hi farem, així és la vida:
We know you wanted to do more, but what can we do, that's life:
T'equivoques d'uniforme i dispares a qui més estimes;
You make a mistake of uniform and shoot the one you love the most;
T'equivoques de remei i va i s'infecta la ferida.
You make a mistake of remedy and the wound gets infected.
I, alguna estona, què us penseu?, també ens agrada estar contents.
And sometimes, what do you think, we also like to be happy.
Però sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem fer.
But it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it.
Però sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer!
But it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it!
Ai, Verge Santa del Roser, volem el just per viure bé!
Oh, Holy Virgin of the Rosary, we want what is fair to live well!
Però sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer.
But it seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it.
Sembla tan clar que ens equivoquem com que ho anem a fer!
It seems so clear that we are wrong as we will do it!

Авторы: Gisbert Puig Guillem, Maymo Tomas Marti, Padilla Gutierrez Roger, Vallve Socies Arnau

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