Manel - La jungla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manel - La jungla

La jungla
The Jungle
Li vaig dir de fer una ruta
I told you I was going on a trip
De sortir d'hora, al matí
To leave early, in the morning
Prop d'un riu acamparíem
We'd camp by a river
Just abans que es fes de nit
Just before nightfall
Tinc hamaques, armes blanques
I have hammocks, bladed weapons
Tinc colònia pels mosquits
I have mosquito repellent
Per sopar piranya a la brasa
Grilled piranha for dinner
I tota la jungla per tu i per mi
And the whole jungle to ourselves
Però què va! Però què va!
But no! But no!
Ella no hi volia anar!
She didn't want to go!
Jo l'hi he dit, jo l'hi vaig dir
I told her, I told her
I ella mai va voler venir
And she never wanted to come
I a la jungla els rius, si vessen, es transformen en pantà
And in the jungle, the rivers, if they overflow, turn into a swamp
I quan ve l'època de pluges ja no s'hi pot arribar
And when the rainy season comes, you can't get there anymore
I ella no hi va voler anar
And she didn't want to go
I què me'n dius si faig trucades
And what do you think if I make some calls
I recluto alguns amics
And recruit some friends
Si sortim aquesta tarda
If we leave this afternoon
I a l'estany fem un partit?
And have a game at the lake?
Hi ha molt gruix, el gel aguanta
There's a lot of thickness, the ice holds
No hi ha risc, no hi ha perill!
There's no risk, no danger!
Que l'esport és saludable!
That sport is healthy!
T'ho prometo, serà divertit
I promise you, it'll be fun
Però què va! Però què va!
But no! But no!
Va dir que potser més endavant
She said maybe later
L'hi vaig dir, vaig insistir
I told her, I insisted
Però ella mai va voler venir
But she never wanted to come
I el desembre era l'època ideal per patinar
And December was the ideal time to skate
Però ja se sap que, el gel, si deixes passar els mesos es desfà
But as you know, ice melts if you let months go by
I ella no hi va voler anar
And she didn't want to go
Fins que un dia dins el cotxe
Until one day in the car
Excitat vaig proposar
I excitedly proposed
De trencar per la drecera
To take the shortcut
De les corbes del barranc
Of the curves of the ravine
Apreciar unes bones vistes
To appreciate some good views
Evitar les retencions
Avoid the traffic jams
Inventar el nostre propi trajecte
Invent our own route
Que per l'autopista ja hi va tothom!
Because everyone takes the highway!
Però què va! Però què va!
But no! But no!
Va dir "frena, que vull baixar!"
She said, "Stop, I want to get off!"
L'hi vaig dir, vaig insistir
I told her, I insisted
Però no va voler canviar de camí
But she didn't want to change her path
Vaig parar enmig d'un polígon i ella, en lloc de dir-me adeu
I pulled over in the middle of an industrial area, and she, instead of saying goodbye
Cridava "no hi ha un bon camí, sinó que cadascú el seu"
Yelled, "There is no one right way, but that everyone has their own"
I "si autopista i carretera són opcions tan diferents
And "if highway and road are such different options
El teu camí i el meu", va dir, "t'ho juro, no s'assemblen gens"
Your path and mine," she said, "I swear, are not alike at all"
I es va perdre entre unes mates remugant que era molt trist
And she got lost in some bushes, muttering that it was very sad
Que realment jo necessiti tot això per ser feliç
That I really need all this to be happy
I ella no hi va voler anar
And she didn't want to go
I ella no hi va voler anar
And she didn't want to go

Авторы: Arnau Vallve Socies, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez

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