Manel - Les cosines - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manel - Les cosines

Les cosines
The Cosines
A l'estació, un vespre de juliol,
At the station, on a July evening,
Els va preguntar el nom,
She asked him his name,
Tot i que ja el sabia.
Even though she already knew it.
Va carregar maletes i regals,
She carried the bags and presents,
Va deslligar els cavalls,
She untied the horses,
Arribaven les cosines.
Her cousins were arriving.
En el sopar se'l van quedar mirant:
At dinner, they stared at him:
A estones estàs bé,
Sometimes you're okay,
Però dius massa tonteries.
But you talk too much nonsense.
Durant el ball van prendre'l de la mà:
During the dance, they took his hand:
Ens han dit que hi ha un riu
They told us there's a river
I ens han dit que tu hi guies!
And they told us that you're the guide!
Oh! La lluna és un llop que campa pels camins
Oh! The moon is a wolf that roams the paths
Platejant el sotabosc.
Silvering the undergrowth.
Tres ombres sense pantalons saltaran per comprovar
Three shadows without pants will jump to check
Com està l'aigua del gorg!
How the pool's water is!
I estava bé! I s'ha de dir que estava bé!
And it was good! And it must be said that it was good!
Quan va voler parlar
When she wanted to talk
D'un amor que ell tenia.
About a love he had.
El primer sol els va assecar les pells.
The first sun dried their skins.
"Quan tot sigui menys greu -van dir-
"When everything is less serious -they said-
I dramàtic, ens avises...".
And dramatic, let us know...".
A l'estació, un vespre de juliol,
At the station, on a July evening,
Va pronunciar el seu nom
She pronounced her name
I va empassar saliva.
And gulped.
La vida ha estat cruenta i fugaç
Life has been cruel and fleeting
Però com passar-ho bé, noi
But how to have fun, girl
Ho sabien les cosines.
The cousins knew.
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Ho sabien les cosines,
The cousins knew,
Com passar-ho bé, company,
How to have fun, my dear,
Ho sabien les cosines.
The cousins knew.

Авторы: Marti Maymo Tomas, Roger Padilla Gutierrez, Guillem Gisbert Puig, Arnau Vallve Socies

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