Mani feat. Mardeross - Asa Cum Stim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mani feat. Mardeross - Asa Cum Stim

Asa Cum Stim
How We Live
Poate ca am stat prea demult-mult singur
Maybe I've been alone for too long
Si-am uitat o parte din pasi - stabiliti sigur
And I've forgotten some of my steps - set for sure
Nici o problema, fac popas si dau pas
No problem, I'll make a stop and take a step
La problemele care mi-au mai ramas
To the problems that I have left
Sunt matematic practic tot cam in tot ce practic
I'm practical in math, in almost everything I do
Tic, tic, tic, timpu' se scurge eu raman tactic
Tick, tick, tick, time is running out, I remain tactical
Batranetele te prind cam trist - stii si tu
Old age will catch you sad - you know
De-aceea las pe-atunci toate drogurile - d-acum nu
That's why I leave all the drugs back then - not now
Daca n-am s-ajung un batran tampit
If I'm not going to end up an idiot
Rog pe Domnu' sa ma ia cand voi fi pregatit
I ask the Lord to take me when I'm ready
Si cat mai pic pe bit, vadit am sa ma ridic
And as I fall on the bit, I will clearly rise
Din orice stare care ma tine de gat
From any state that holds me by the throat
Multi ne dicteaza regulile de la pupitru
Many dictate to us the rules from the pulpit
Da' eu ma bag in jocurile'n care sunt arbitru
But I get into the games where I'm the referee
Si fii tu true, pana dai de filtru
And be true, until you find a filter
Doar la capat ai sa intelegi ce ai trait tu
Only at the end will you understand what you have lived
Sa dea Domnul s-ajungem si noi batrani
May the Lord grant that we too will grow old
Daca n-o sa reusim, macar sa traim
If we don't succeed, at least let us live
Asa cum stim - eu am calea mea
As we know how - I have my own way
Niciodata dicatata de cineva
Never dictated by anyone
Tu stii ca multe pe cap ai
You know you have a lot on your mind
Nu pre'ai deschis ochii - ca pe toate le rabdai
You don't open your eyes much - you put up with everything
Da' noi rap dam nu degeaba si n-o fac cu graba
But we rap for a reason and we don't do it in a hurry
Ca dac'-asculta cineva, sa-nteleaga care-i treaba
Because if someone listens, let them understand what it's all about
Cand viata-i rabla, noi dam rap la surzi
When life is a wreck, we rap to the deaf
Ne descarcam pe versuri care apoi umbla-n cap la multi
We vent on lyrics that then go to the heads of many
Da umbla de'ncap la rupti, cand sunt pe val ei nu-ti
But they go from head to broken, when they're on the wave you don't
Dau mai mult decat sa pui punti si sa muti munti
You give more than you do to build bridges and move mountains
Asta-i rapul pe care-l fac de 7 ani incoace
This is the rap I've been doing for 7 years now
Da' am facut o scoala care-mi place
But I've done a school that I like
Aceasta muzica nu tace - ea striga din torace
This music doesn't keep quiet - it screams from the chest
Atat timp cat o simti n-o sa-ti dau pace
As long as you feel it, I won't give you peace
Da stai, stai nu incorda cumva tu
But wait, don't tense up somehow
Cuvintele-s ca apa - ai facut baia, nu?
Words are like water - you've taken a bath, haven't you?
Baiatu-a'nteles la timp, adica déjà stiu
The boy understood in time, I mean, I already know
Rog pe Domnul sa ma lase cat mai mult sa scriu
I ask the Lord to let me write as long as possible
Sa dea Domnul s-ajungem si noi batrani
May the Lord grant that we too will grow old
Daca n-o sa reusim, macar sa traim
If we don't succeed, at least let us live
Asa cum stim - eu am calea mea
As we know how - I have my own way
Niciodata dicatata de cineva
Never dictated by anyone

Mani feat. Mardeross - Rupe
дата релиза

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