Mani feat. Pasha Parfeni - Am O Tara Ca O Floare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Mani feat. Pasha Parfeni - Am O Tara Ca O Floare

Am O Tara Ca O Floare
My Country Flowers Like Her
Am primit o scrisoare, scrie ca-i din viitor
I received a letter, saying it was from the Future
Ei sunt bine - mersi, de noi nu le este dor
They are doing well, thank you, they don't miss us
C-astea-s timpuri fumurii, parca-s pline cu stafii...
Because these are smoky times, they seem filled with ghosts
În dreptul anului scrie - "Cat crezi, atat va fi"
To the right of the year it says - "As you believe, so shall it be"
Ei zic ca-s una din miile de variante
They say that they are one of thousands of variants
Totul depinde de oameni, defapt de fapte
Everything depends on people, in fact on actions
Ca sa-nțeleg mai bine, sa fie convingatori
To make me understand better, to be convincing
Mi-au dat un text pe care-l cânta lumea-n viitor
They gave me a text that people sing in the future
Am o tara ca o floare
I have a country like a flower
Asa cum nimeni nu are
Like no one else has
Am o tara minunata
I have a wonderful country
Asa cum am visat o data
Just as I once dreamed of
Toata lumea s-a unit ca degetele într-un pumn
The whole world came together like fingers in a fist
Pe unul mai lasau, ca ei sa vada ce si cum
They let one stay, so they could see what and how
Gaseau orice metoda ca sa-si arate tot respectul
They found all kinds of ways to show their respect
Fata de criminalii ce-au împânzit Parlamentul
Toward the criminals who filled Parliament
Aaa mi-au zis - si c-au trecut la actiuni
Oh, they told me - and that they moved on to actions
Prin toate metodele au depus presiuni
They applied pressure with all methods
Ideile aplicate îsi prindeau conturul
The ideas they applied took shape
Cat de trist a fost cand la toti le ardeau curul
How sad when everyone felt the burn
Multi au fost închisi, altii sunt pribegi
Many were imprisoned, others are wanderers
Dar is cautati ca sa stea langa colegi
But they are sought after to stand with their colleagues
Și n-au lasat alti neghiobi sa le ia locul
And they didn't let other fools take their place
Defapt nici nu se mai bagau, ca nu vedeau pontul
In fact, they no longer interfered, because they didn't see the point
Poporul e puterea, toti au inteles
The people have the power, everyone understood
Si daca e unit, nu-i loc pentru interes
And if they are united, there is no room for self-interest
Si-au zis: - Scriem aceste randuri ca sa va haim
They said: - We are writing these lines to make you wise
Sa stie lumea cum traiti si cum noi putem trai
So that the world knows how you live and how we can live
Am o tara ca o floare
I have a country like a flower
Asa cum nimeni nu are
Like no one else has
Am o tara minunata
I have a wonderful country
Asa cum am visat o data
Just as I once dreamed of
Citind aceste randuri am inteles ca asta e
Reading these lines, I understood that this is it
Sansa noastra sa ne revansam fata de istorie
Our chance to redeem ourselves before history
Sa stergem aceasta pata, care guverneaza
To wipe away this stain that rules
Caci ma simt vinovat ca mi-am chemat parintii acasa
Because I feel guilty that I summoned my parents home
E timpul pentru unitate, sa se vada de departe
It is time for unity, to be seen from afar
Ca umar la umar stau frate langa frate
That shoulder to shoulder, brother stands with brother
Londra, Paris, Milano, Frankfurt, Dublin, Lisabona
London, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, Dublin, Lisbon
Baietii fac celule de rezistenta-n Europa
The guys are setting up cells of resistance in Europe
Pumnul sus, fruntea ridicata - mergem inainte
Fist in the air, heads held high - we are moving forward
Le-aratam durerea, ceea ce poporul simte
We show them the pain, what the people feel
Acum facem schimbarile. "Acum!" - striga o lume
Now we make the changes. "Now!" - a world cries out
Vrem cat mai curand sa prindem timpul cand vom spune
We want to see as soon as possible the time when we will say
Am o tara ca o floare
I have a country like a flower
Asa cum nimeni nu are
Like no one else has
Am o tara minunata
I have a wonderful country
Asa cum am visat o data
Just as I once dreamed of

Авторы: Mani

Mani feat. Pasha Parfeni - Am O Tara Ca O Floare
Am O Tara Ca O Floare
дата релиза

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