Mansour - Engar Na Engar - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Mansour - Engar Na Engar

Engar Na Engar
Engar Na Engar
Engar na engar
Tu ne te soucies pas de moi
Miyam doret begardam
Dès que je t'aime
Migi gashtan nadare
Tu dis "il n'y a pas besoin"
To midooni che kardi
Tu sais ce que tu as fait
Ke in del bigharare
Ce cœur est inquiet (pour toi)
Saram ba delbari hat cheghadr bala avordi
Tu m'as ravagé avec ta coquetterie
Dele man ke nemiraft, be zor omadi bordi
Mon cœur ne voulait pas y aller, tu es venu et l'as emporté
Ye del na, sad del ashegh
Un cœur, non, (je suis tombé amoureux de toi avec) 100 cœurs
Vali engar na engar
Mais tu ne te soucies pas de moi
Amoon az daste in del
Ahhhh de ce cœur
Amoon az daste deldar
Ahhhh de mon amour
Tamoome hast o nistam az eshghet rafte bar bad
Tout ce que j'ai, ils sont partis avec le vent cause de ton amour)
Dige delet chi mikhad?
Que veut ton cœur ?
Shodam divoonat engar
Il semble que j'ai divagué propos de toi)
Vali aslan to engar ke na engar
Mais tu ne te soucies pas du tout
Dele man raft
Mon cœur est parti
O rafty to ham donbale nazet
Et tu es parti après ta coquetterie
Bebin ba man che karde negahe del navazet
Regarde ce que ton regard amoureux m'a fait
Be eshghet asheghimo be rosvaee keshidi
Comme tu l'as aimé, tu as déshonoré mon amour
Vasam ey dad o bidad che khaba ke nadidi
Woa... tu as un mauvais plan pour moi !
You don′t care a fig
You don′t care a fig
As soon as I come to adore you
As soon as I come to adore you
You say "there is no need"
You say "there is no need"
You know that what did you do
You know that what did you do
That this heart is restless (for you)
That this heart is restless (for you)
You ravaged me with your coquetry
You ravaged me with your coquetry
My heart didn't want to go, you came and reaved it
My heart didn't want to go, you came and reaved it
A heart, no, (I falled in love with you with) 100 hearts
A heart, no, (I falled in love with you with) 100 hearts
But you don′t care a fig
But you don′t care a fig
Ahhhh from this heart
Ahhhh from this heart
Ahhhh from my sweetheart
Ahhhh from my sweetheart
Everythings I have, they've gone with the wind (because of your love)
Everythings I have, they've gone with the wind (because of your love)
What does your heart want?
What does your heart want?
It seems I've raved (about you)
It seems I've raved (about you)
But you don′t care at all
But you don′t care at all
My heart went
My heart went
And you went after your coquetry
And you went after your coquetry
Watch that what did your lovely gaze do with me
Watch that what did your lovely gaze do with me
As you liked, you disgraced my love
As you liked, you disgraced my love
Woa... you have a bad plan for me!
Woa... you have a bad plan for me!

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