Manu Guix - Dona-Li a la Vida - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manu Guix - Dona-Li a la Vida

Dona-Li a la Vida
Give Life a Chance
Mai és massa tard per intentar
It's never too late to try
Recuperar aquell tren què passa de llarg
To catch that train that's passing by
Només és qüestió de desitjar-ho
You just have to make up your mind
Sempre hi ets a temps d′anar i recuperar-lo
You still have time to go and find it
Mai és massa tard per conservar aquella
It's never too late to save that
Amistat què has tingut sempre al costat
Friendship you've always had
I què t'ha donat bones idees
The one that's given you ideas
I què la seva llum t′allunya les tenebres
And chased away the shadows
Pensa, que avui tot just comença
Come on, because today's just begun
Diria la defensa del teu tribunal
Just like they'd say down in court
Crida, que a mi sempre m'inspira
Sing on, because it always lifts me up
Quan veig que treus les coses què a dins et fan mal
To see you let go and not care
Ara és el moment en que tot sembla diferent
Now is the time when everything feels different
I en realitat és igual
But really it's the same
Perquè al final mai passa res
Because in the end nothing happens
Però no s'ha de perdre l′interès
But you can't give up
Sempre hi ha un motiu pel què desitjes estar viu
There's always a reason you want to live
I et fa seguir caminat
And it'll always keep you going
I quan em dediques un somriure
And when you give me a smile
Em fas sentir millor ens queda tant per viure
It makes me feel good about myself, we've got so much left to do
Canta, segur que no t′espanta
Sing on, don't be afraid
Si de sobte la teva ànima un so diferent
If suddenly your soul has a different sound
Creu-me, si veus que et falta l'esma
Believe me, when you feel like giving up
Em tindràs al teu costat per volar entre la gent
I'll be there to fly up among the people with you
Dóna-li a la vida una oportunitat
Give life a chance
Que la felicitat quasi sempre fa tard
Because happiness is almost always late
Però arriba
But it does come
Si vols que t′estimin
If you want to be loved
Has d'aprendre a estimar
You have to learn to love
Així tothom ho farà
That's how everyone will do it
I veuràs com el món canvia
And you'll see how the world changes
Dóna-li a la vida una oportunitat
Give life a chance
Que la felicitat quasi sempre fa tard
Because happiness is almost always late
Però arriba
But it does come
Deixa que t′envoltin els amics de veritat
Let your true friends surround you
Segur que no et fallaran
They won't let you down
I quan siguis feliç
And when you're happy
Take a deep breath
Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh
Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh
Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh
Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh, Uoohh
Ara és el moment (una oportunitat)
Now is the time (a chance)
Que la felicitat quasi sempre fa tard
That happiness is almost always late
Però arriba
But it does come
Sing on
Així tothom ho farà i veuràs com el món canvia
That's how everyone will do it and you'll see how the world changes
Dóna-li a la vida una oportunitat
Give life a chance
Que la felicitat quasi sempre fa tard
Because happiness is almost always late
Però arriba
But it does come
Deixa que t'envoltin els amics de veritat
Let your true friends surround you
Segur que no et fallaran
They won't let you down
I quan siguis feliç
And when you're happy
Take a deep breath

Авторы: Manu Guix Tornos

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