Manu Guix - No Es Facil - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manu Guix - No Es Facil

No Es Facil
No Es Facil
Si no fos tan difícil
If it weren't so difficult
No perdre l′equilibri
Not to lose my balance
Encara seguiria dret, però
I would still be standing upright, but
Sovint el vent es torça
The wind often twists
I t'arrossega amb força
And drags you with force
Com si no pesessis res
As if you weighed nothing
Una paraula no és suficient
A word is not enough
Si no reflexa el teu sentiment
If it does not reflect your feeling
Quantes vegades hagués pagat
How many times I would have paid
Per què estiguessis al meu costat
For you to be by my side
Sé, que viure no és fàcil ho sé.
I know, that living is not easy, I know, I do.
Però sempre se m′ha donat
But I've always been good at it
I per molt que això costi
And no matter how much it costs
Mentre jo m'esforci me'n sortiré
As long as I try, I will succeed
Sempre desitges allò que no tens
You always desire what you don't have
I el que tens et deixa a mitges o indiferent, però
And what you have leaves you unfulfilled or indifferent, but
Si alguna cosa puc afirmar
If I can affirm anything
És que no hi ha res pitjor que la soledat
It is that there is nothing worse than loneliness
m′acompanyes tot és millor
If you accompany me, everything is better
Fas que m′allunyi de la foscor
You make me move away from the darkness
Pas a pas, poc a poc,
Step by step, little by little,
Cada cop tinc més clar que et vull tenir aprop
I am increasingly sure that I want you near
Perquè sé, que viure no és fàcil, ho
Because I know that living is not easy, I know, I do.
Però sempre se m'ha donat bé,
But I've always been good at it.
I per molt que això costi
And no matter how much it costs
Mentre jo m′esforci me'n sortiré
As long as I try, I will succeed
Perquè sé, que viure no és fàcil ho sé,
Because I know that living is not easy, I know, I do.
Però sempre se m′ha donat
But I've always been good at it
Si sóc optimista i no et perdo de vista
If I am optimistic and don't lose sight of you
Se que segurament tot serà diferent
I know that surely everything will be different
No perquè anar malament
It doesn't have to go wrong
I per molt que això costi
And no matter how much it costs
Mentre jo m'esforci me′n sortiré, m'en sortiré.
As long as I try, I will succeed, I will.

Авторы: manu guix

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