Manu Guix - Tic - Tac - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Manu Guix - Tic - Tac

Tic - Tac
Tic - Tac
Tic tac, un metrònom implacable va marcant el compàs
Tick-tock, a relentless metronome keeps the beat
I no sempre és agradable, cal saber per on vas
And it's not always pleasant, you have to know where you're going
Si no vols que se t′acabi el temps
If you don't want to run out of time
Tic tac, les agulles del rellotge que no deixen de girar
Tick-tock, the clock's hands keep turning
Mostren un destí ferotge que no es deu poder evitar
Showing a fierce destination that can't be avoided
Però no deixarem d'estar contents
But we won't stop being happy
Si tot està en calma, no t′amoïnis i canta
If all is calm, don't worry and sing
Deixa enrere les penes per les que ja no hi pots fer res
Leave behind the sorrows for which you can no longer do anything
No val la pena preocupar-se, i si t'ensorres jo vindré per aixecar-te
It's not worth worrying, and if you collapse, I'll come to lift you up
No si m'he explicat, potser ja m′has entès
I don't know if I've made myself clear, perhaps you've already understood me
Arribarem més lluny, mentre estiguem junts
We'll go further, as long as we're together
I si no ho veus clar, confia en mi
And if you don't see it clearly, trust me
Seguirem somiant, d′ara en endavant
We will continue dreaming, from now on
I escriurem un final feliç
And we will write a happy ending
d'un remei molt eficaç si tens mal viure
I know of a very effective remedy if you're feeling down
Passi el que passi tu no perdis el somriure
Whatever happens, don't lose your smile
És el millor que pots fer
It's the best thing you can do
I és que et queda tan bé, que et fa invencible
And it looks so good on you, that it makes you invincible
Oh, que t′ho dic jo
Oh, I'm telling you
No tinguis por, digues que no
Don't be afraid, say no
No hi ha problema que no tingui una solució
There's no problem that doesn't have a solution
Tu sigues el que vols ser, que tot està per fer i tot és possible
You be who you want to be, that everything is yet to be done and everything is possible
Arribarem més lluny, mentre estiguem junts
We'll go further, as long as we're together
I si no ho veus clar, confia en mi
And if you don't see it clearly, trust me
Seguirem somiant, d'ara en endavant
We will continue dreaming, from now on
I escriurem un final feliç
And we will write a happy ending
Tic tac si la vida és avorrida has de fer un canvi, ara és el moment
Tick-tock if life is boring you have to make a change, now is the time
Tic tac si la força que tenies ja no hi és tu fes-me un crit
Tick-tock if the strength you had is gone, you give me a shout
Vindré corrent a rescatar-te
I'll come running to your rescue
Tic tac si és la mandra qui et domina
Tick-tock if it's laziness that dominates you
I és com una teranyina que no saps desfer
And it's like a spider's web that you can't undo
Tranquil que vindré, i t′ajudaré
Don't worry, I'll come and help you
Que allà on tu no arribis jo ho faré
That where you can't reach, I will
Arribarem més lluny, mentre estiguem junts
We'll go further, as long as we're together
I si no ho veus clar, confia en mi (Confia en mi)
And if you don't see it clearly, trust me (Trust me)
Seguirem somiant, d'ara en endavant
We will continue dreaming, from now on
I escriurem un final feliç
And we will write a happy ending
Arribarem més lluny, mentre estiguem junts
We'll go further, as long as we're together
I si no ho veus clar, confia en mi
And if you don't see it clearly, trust me
Seguirem somiant, d′ara en endavant
We will continue dreaming, from now on
I escriurem un final feliç
And we will write a happy ending
Seguirem somiant, d'ara en endavant
We will continue dreaming, from now on
I escriurem un final feliç
And we will write a happy ending

Авторы: Manu Guix Tornos

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