Manu Guix - Un Dia Gris - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Manu Guix - Un Dia Gris

Un Dia Gris
A Grey Day
Tinc un full en blanc i no què pensar
My page is blank, my thoughts are unclear
És un d′aquests dies que no com acabarà
It's one of those days when I don't know how it will end
Vaig perdent-me per la gran ciutat
I'm wandering through the big city,
Anomenada soledat
A city called loneliness
És un dia gris que no convida gaire a caminar
It's a grey day that doesn't invite me to walk
Però m'hi obligo que l′aire no em farà mal
But I force myself, I know the fresh air won't hurt
Passejant amb els auriculars
I walk with my headphones on
I veig que tots anem igual
And I see that we're all the same
Després diem que ens sentim sols
Then we complain that we're lonely
Sembla que ens agradi donar l'esquena al món
It seems like we like to turn our backs on the world
Pujo el volum no fos cas que algú
I turn the volume up in case someone
Em volgués dir alguna cosa, no
Wants to tell me something, but no
Dia a dia van passant els anys, ja ho
Day by day the years go by
Però cada dia em sento més estrany, perquè?
But with each day that passes, I feel stranger
És com si volgués posar-me a córrer i no en sabés
It's as if I wanted to start running but didn't know how
No em persegueixen, potser és que em menteixen
I'm not being chased, maybe they're lying to me
I no ho veig però respiro i
And I don't see it, but I breathe and
Jugo la partida que qui dia passa any empeny
I play the game that says, "Every day is a new day"
De tot això no si en quedarà res en ferm
I don't know if anything will come of this
és un somni no vull que em desperti
If it's a dream, I don't want to wake up
La amarga sensació de que perdem el tren
The bitter feeling that we're missing the train
Si una paraula pogués canviar el món
If a word could change the world
Jo intentaré que la escolti tothom
I'll try to make everyone hear it
Si només és un segon
Even if it's just for a second
Que va directe al cor
That goes straight to the heart
Dia a dia van passant els anys, ja ho
Day by day the years go by
Però cada dia em sento més estrany, perquè?
But with each day that passes, I feel stranger
És com si volgués posar-me a córrer i no en sabés
It's as if I wanted to start running but didn't know how
No em persegueixen, potser és que em menteixen
I'm not being chased, maybe they're lying to me
I no ho veig, i no ho veig...
And I don't see it, and I don't see it...
I no ho veig, no no
And I don't see it, no no
I no ho veig, no no no no
And I don't see it, no no no no

Авторы: Manu Guix

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