Marala - Verderol - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marala - Verderol

Hi havia un verderol
There was a greenfinch
Amagat davall s'albada
Hidden beneath the dawn
Que entonava una tonada
Who sang a melody
Que brillava abans que es sol.
That shone before the sun.
Refilava sa cançó
He polished his song
Per cridar s'enamorada
To call out to his beloved
Que tenia ales de fada
Who had fairy wings
I plomes com de cotó.
And feathers like cotton.
Verderol, canta per mi.
Greenfinch, sing for me.
S'estimada feia així:
His beloved did this:
Verderolet, estimat,
Little greenfinch, my love,
Ara que s'acaba es dia,
Now that the day is ending,
Repeteix sa melodia
Repeat your melody
Que de tu m'ha enamorat.
For I have fallen in love with you.
I ell sonava sa cançó
And he sang his song
I encisava s'estimada
And enchanted his beloved
Que va quedar enverinada
Who was poisoned
De picada d'escurçó.
By the bite of a viper.
Verderol, canta per mi.
Greenfinch, sing for me.
Canta, que no vull partir.
Sing, for I don't want to leave.
I cantava, es verderol,
And he sang, the greenfinch,
Refilava i repetia:
Polished and repeated:
Visc per viure't, vida mia,
I live to live for you, my love,
No viuré si visc tot sol.
I will not live if I live alone.
Quan la va veure partir
When he saw her leave
Va entonar sa veu darrera.
He sang his last voice.
Pus mai ha tengut cantera,
For he never had a quarry,
Pus mai l'han tornat sentir.
For he has never been heard again.
Verderol, canta per mi.
Greenfinch, sing for me.

Авторы: Pau Vallve Navarro, Jordi Casadesus Coromina, Clara Fiol Dols, Selma Lavado Coll, Alexandra Monfort I Oliver

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