Sie säged ihr hend no Zit, zum Risse aber Zit das hani ned, hani Zit den magi ned chum gibmer eifach alles jetzt ich wot nümm am Achti müesse schaffe voller langwil und em aschiss und warte bis ich mal dra bi.
You say you still have time to make a fortune, but I don't have time to wait. Give me everything now. I don't want to have to work the 8-hour day anymore, full of boredom and bullshit, and wait until it's my turn.
Ich wott das Money Money Money gseeeh, gib mir das Money Money Money jetz, gibmer das Money Money Money Money jetz.
I want to see the Money Money Money, give me the Money Money Money now, give me the Money Money Money Money now.
Gäld isch nur am Flüge denn mir müessed es verlüre, glii.
Money is just flying away because we have to lose it, right now.
So Flight no bitz Ohredruck vom Flüge.
So fly a little bit, the flight will give you an earache.
Scheiss uf Paper mini Jungs chönd nid verlüre.
Fuck the papers, my boys can't lose.
Die Stadt isch jetzt am cho wemer alles da Gfiggt händ.
The city is coming now that we have everything figured out.
Us Pauseclown wird Ambition wenn d Kameras blitzet.
From being a clown to having ambition when the cameras flash.
Rapped nach mim Brüeder check, doch kill si mit de Jungs.
Rapped after my brother's check, but kill them with the boys.
Mir machet
We make
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