Marc Parrot - Misteriosament Feliç - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marc Parrot - Misteriosament Feliç

Misteriosament Feliç
Mysteriously Happy
Avui toca fer camí
I need to get going today,
Els vidres bruts, el dia gris
The windows are dirty, the day is gray
Condueixo a poc a poc
I'm driving slowly
M'adapto al ritme dels camions
Following the rhythm of the trucks
Avui per sort no tinc son
Luckily I'm not sleepy today
Per no tornar a sentir el mateix
So I don't feel that way again
Apago la ràdio, sento el motor
I turn off the radio, listen to the engine
Deslliurat de tot enyor
Free from all longing
Sense patir per cap amor
Not suffering for any love
Ni per cap record
Or any memory
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Com deia el poeta desterrat del paradís
Like the poet banished from paradise said
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Ningú no m'espera
No one is waiting for me
No tinc res de què fugir
I have nothing to run from
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Tant me fa el que no he après
I don't care what I haven't learned
Si el que ningú ensenya
If that's what no one teaches us
És el que et serveix
That's what you need
No em preocupa el que faré
I'm not worried about what I'll do
Passi el que passi, m'estarà
Whatever happens, it will be okay
No espero res
I don't expect anything
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Com deia el poeta desterrat del paradís
Like the poet banished from paradise said
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Ningú no m'espera
No one is waiting for me
No tinc res de què fugir
I have nothing to run from
Sota efectes de l'encís
Under the spell
De qui mossega la cirereta del pastís
Of the one who takes a bite from the cherry on top
Secretament despert
Secretly awake
Lúcid per veure que per les esquerdes
Clear to see that through the cracks
La llum es va fent camí
The light makes its way
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Com deia el poeta desterrat del paradís
Like the poet banished from paradise said
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Ningú no m'espera
No one is waiting for me
No tinc res de què fugir
I have nothing to run from
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Com res més a entendre
As nothing else to understand
Res més a perdre
Nothing more to lose
Res més precís
Nothing more precise
Misteriosament feliç
Mysteriously happy
Lúcid per veure que per les esquerdes
Clear to see that through the cracks
La llum es va fent camí
The light makes its way

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