Marcelo - Kita - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Kita

Rejdova tužna ispovest
Rejdo's Sad Confession
Dobar dan, ′bem ti dan. Stvarno ne bih da se žalim,
Good day, damn the day. I really wouldn't want to complain,
Al' što kaže brat Žaki: "Šta radim, to i patim."
But as brother Žaki says: "What I do, I suffer."
- Jer mogu samo d′uzmem za mojega da se u'vatim
- Because I can only grab onto myself
Kad stignu mi da platim računi i dažbin - eee,
When the bills and taxes come due - eee,
Dabogda uz'o radiš, pa da shvatiš
Goddamn it, you should work so you understand
Kako kasne honorari u Srbijici Majci.
How late the fees are in Mother Serbia.
MT: S - "imate prijatelje!" - steram im ga majci.
MT: S - "you have friends!" - I shove it up their mother's ass.
Čak i kod Mule Jusufa je harač bio blaži.
Even Mule Jusuf's tribute was lighter.
Opomena za struju plus poziv za vojsku.
A warning for electricity plus a call for the army.
Kad mi iseku struju, otići ću u vojsku
When they cut off my electricity, I'll go to the army
Da se grejem znojem i četkicom čistim klonju...
To warm myself with sweat and clean the toilet with a brush...
Jer, mali sam i gadan - ne d′o Bog da mi daju bombu.
Because I'm small and nasty - God forbid they give me a bomb.
Odsustvov′o s faksa, jer sam počeo da šljakam.
Absent from college because I started working.
Zato ispao iz budžeta i onda mor'o plaćam
That's why I dropped out of the budget and then I had to pay
Od tih para zbog kojih sam i odsustvov′o s faksa...
From the money that made me miss college...
Zato se uvek odazovem kada neko kaže "mamlaz".
That's why I always respond when someone says "moron".
Toliki sam maler da Marfiju činim uvredu:
I'm such a jinx that I offend Murphy:
Da mi spadne kamen sa srca, našli bi mi ga u bubregu.
If a stone fell from my heart, they'd find it in my kidney.
Trudim se, al' uzalud, Sudba ima foru gadnu:
I try, but in vain, Fate has a nasty trick:
Kad treba budeš jeban, gaće ti same spadnu.
When you need to get screwed, your panties fall off by themselves.
Šta god da uradim - neće da upali...
Whatever I do - it won't work...
Dižem se u tri, jer me alarm nije probudio.
I get up at three because the alarm didn't wake me up.
Kuntao sam kod ortaka, sinoć sam se ubio.
I was hanging out with my buddy, I killed myself last night.
Popio sam boga oca, tuđe pičke jurio...
I drank like a fish, chased other chicks...
Batine sam dobio, novčanik sam izgubio.
I got beat up, I lost my wallet.
Probudio se šlogiran, u glavi mi je ludilo.
I woke up paralyzed, my head is crazy.
Nestala je voda, a nisam se ni umio.
The water is gone, and I haven't even washed my face.
Pre čuku je trebalo da se nađem sa Suidom
Before noon I was supposed to meet Suid
Da ga pokupim sa šljake, pa da palimo u studio.
To pick him up from work, so we could go to the studio.
Izjurio iz stana, k′o da se sa Boltom trkam...
I rushed out of the apartment, like I was racing with Bolt...
Pozvao bih Suida, al' je baterija crkla.
I would call Suid, but the battery is dead.
Žurim sa Brda da stignem do trga,
I'm rushing from the Hill to get to the square,
Al′ ispala je frka, jer akumulator je mrtav.
But there was a problem, because the battery is dead.
Išutir'o kola. Od muke grizem volan.
I kicked the car. I'm biting the steering wheel in pain.
Polako kreće kiša, a ja poput mentola
It's slowly starting to rain, and I'm like a menthol
Pola čuke čekam da mi naiđe trola...
I'm waiting half an hour for the trolley to come...
Ulazim u trolu, a u troli kontrola.
I get on the trolley, and on the trolley - control.
Nemam kartu, nemam pare, nemam dokumenta.
I have no ticket, no money, no documents.
Objašnjavam mu da stvarno hitno moram do centra...
I explain to him that I really need to get to the center urgently...
Al' njega boli kara, šaban me tera napolje
But he doesn't give a damn, the security guard is kicking me out
Iz busa na pljusak... nekog ću da zakoljem.
From the bus into the downpour... I'm gonna kill someone.
Na semaforu sam zamalo zgazio u vnugo.
At the traffic light I almost ran over a granny.
Izbeg′o sam vnugo, al′ mene nije yugo.
I avoided granny, but the Yugo didn't avoid me.
Da mogu da ustanem, jeb'o bih mu kevu...
If I could get up, I'd fuck his mom...
Al′ ne mogu, jer sam danas ustao na levu.
But I can't, because I got up on the left today.
Šta god da uradim - neće da upali...
Whatever I do - it won't work...

Авторы: Eross Candra

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