Marcelo - Mamica - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Mamica

Ti bi da mi sapnes sta je to ljubav,
I want you to tell me what love is,
Ali ne smes od mamice.
But you can't from mommy.
Ti bi da me taknes samo kad skuvam rucak,
You only want to touch me when I'm cooking lunch,
A ja ne bih iz pidzamice.
And I wouldn't go out of my pajamas.
Ti stalno samo radis i smeta ti guzva,
All you do is work and you're stuck,
A meni dolaze drugarice.
And I have friends coming.
I nemas nerava da slusas kad uzmem da kukam.
And you don't have the nerve to listen when I whine.
Mama kriva je, u stvari, sve.
It's all mom's fault, actually.
Da nadjem pos o il da kuvam i perem ves???
Do I have to find a place to cook and do laundry???
Ko je jos cuo taj program i plan? Ja ne.
Who else has heard of this program? I don't.
Sve ide bolje kad ti radis za oboje.
Everything goes better when you work for both of us.
Nisam poput tvoje mamice, ne, ne...
I'm not like your mommy, no, no...
Briga me za vase zeljice.
I don't care about your wishes.
Ja vise volim sebe.
I love myself more.
Krenimo od savremene zene:
Let's start with the modern woman:
Ona ne gubi vreme - ona gubi nevinost na vreme.
She doesn't waste time - she loses her virginity in time.
Sa trin′est krene, do dvadesete vec je profi
At the age of twenty, he is a professional
I kapira da se njene usluge jako cene.
She says her services are highly valued.
Ona nece na faks jer ne ume da misli,
She won't go to college because she can't think,
Ona ne zna da kuva, ona nece da cisti,
She can't cook, she can't clean,
Ona trazi sponzora da plati putovanje,
She's looking for a sponsor to pay for the trip.,
Kupi kola, kupi kucu i - nece tu da stane.
Buy a car, buy a house, and it won't stop there.
Sa druge strane, imamo fino vaspitane ortake
On the other hand, we have good friends
Koji ne vole nikog drugog osim mame.
They don't love anyone but their mother.
Jer, mama zna da kuva i mami nije problem
Because mom knows how to cook and mom doesn't have a problem
Da usisa, da opere, da ispegla za orden.
To suck, to wash, to iron for the order.
Al ne shvata da od njega pravi degenerika...
Al doesn't realize he's a degenerate...
On ima smisao za posao i sumu na racunu
He has a sense of business and a sum on the account
Koja je velika... al' nista to ne vredi,
Which is big... but it's not worth it,
Kada je keva rodila sina Edipa... jebi ga.
When keva gave birth to her son Oedipus... fuck.
Cura 21. veka:
Girl 21. century:
Ono kao, urbana skroz,
As a whole, urban,
Ekserima kucam kez na lice,
I'm putting a nail on my face,
Duvam, cirkam, imam novi cirkon.
I'm smoking, I'm circling, I've got a new Zircon.
Ali ovi momci danasnji,
Today's boys,
Stvarno ne znam sta im je:
I really don't know what's wrong with them:
Cim prodje muvanje,
As soon as it passes through the,
Oni traze punjene paprike.
They're looking for stuffed peppers.
Pa ej, zar da zuljam prstice?
So, hey, should I Buzz my fingers?
Ja sam suvise kul!
I'm too cool!
Ti sisaj prst, a ja sad palim u klub!
You suck my finger, and now I'm in the club!
Moja keva je sef svemira, nervira kad to negiras:
My mom is the boss of the universe, it's annoying when you deny it:
Ona Noletu servira dok Limenog trenira!
She serves Noleta while Tin train!
Ona kuva za Oliver Dzejmija, ti svaki rucak kremiras!
She cooks for Oliver Jamie, you cremate every lunch!
Mene olako slusas, ona caleta olukom prebija!
You're listening to me, that little girl is beating the crap out of me!
Keva je pride najbolja riba igde - pitaj repere.
The best fish in the world-ask the rappers.
Kazu: ""Celo de Facto, kako bi′ ti jeb o mater, e!""
They say, " Oh my God, how can you fuck your mother?"""
Za nju bas orni, sva ta gomila...
For her, all that stuff...
Tata bi mi bio Cak Noris, da ga keva nije odbila.
My dad would have been Chuck Norris if mom hadn't turned him down.
I - iznad kamina drzi glave mojih bivsih riba
I-above the fireplace holds the heads of my former Fish
- Bucne ih u pasulj da zamirise, il baci na tiganj
Put them in the oven to dry, throw them in the oven
Njihove lajave usne za veceru pikant.
Their barking lips for dinner spicy.
Jedna bivsa joj rekla krivu rec. Otada je kriva.
One of the ex-wives said the wrong word to her. She's been guilty ever since.
Iz invalidskih kolica zahvaljuje kevi sto je ziva,
From a wheelchair, he thanks Kevin for being alive.,
Pise cestitke za Osmi mart - olovkom u zubima.
He writes Congratulations for the eighth of March-with a pencil in his teeth.
I... i jos je carskim rezom rodila cara sina,
I... and she gave birth to a son by caesarean section,
Tako fino dete pravi ponos i dika.
Such a nice kid - a real pride and joy.

Авторы: priki

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