Marcelo - Odraslima - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Odraslima

Uvod (DJ Raid):
Introduction (DJ Raid:
Timbe: "Godine prolaze, i ne menja se nista..."
Timbe: "years pass, and nothing changes..."
Marcelo: "I dalje furamo svoje... uvek isti."
Marcelo: "we're still making our own... always the same."
Sef Sale: "Nije bitno sto se borimo sa gladju, ne... jer je ulozeno sve."
He said, " it doesn't matter if we're hungry... it's all in-everything."
Kroz stvarnosti okno okom okomljen na svet,
Through the eyes of the world,
Gledas da sabijes u stih tih opazanja splet...
You're looking to get into the grip of those setbacks...
Pomislis da neko slusa taj tekst, svaku tu rec,
You think someone's listening to that text, every word of it.,
Da oseca isti bes, isto gleda na svet.
To feel the same anger, to look at the world the same.
Ljudi te ubede da si ti njihov glas,
People convince you that you are their voice,
Da i oni jednako ginu za istu tu stvar.
They die for the same thing.
Srednji prst za revolt - pali baklju, bira stranu
Middle finger for revolt-light a torch, choose a side
I - bira tvoju, pa tripujes da nisi sam tu.
I-I choose yours, so you're tripping that you're not alone.
Al′ onda napuni dva'es′ i tad se nesto desi,
And then you fill in the blanks, and then something happens. ,
Pa citav taj fazon odjednom skapira k'o decji
All of a sudden, it's like a baby
I sve u sta se kleo sada zove pubertetom
And all that Cleo is now called puberty
Zeljan da se mesa sa masom u fensi klubu petkom.
He wants to eat with the crowd at the fancy club on Fridays.
Trazi srodnu gusu, ne zeli note s mukom,
He's looking for a kindred Gus, he doesn't want notes with trouble,
Gladan paorskog veselja ide trbuhom za sluhom.
Hungry for paoric merriment goes belly after ear.
Mislio si da tu ima vere u autora i bunt,
You thought there was faith in the author and the rebellion,
A samo su slusali pesme. Covek je coveku zvuk.
They just listened to the songs. It's a man's sound.
U mirno more proseka sad voze svoje ladje,
In the middle of the sea, they are now flying their boats.,
A ti i dalje oplovljavas Smrt Dobre Nade
And you still sail the death of Good Hope
- Suludu veru da cela borba nije za dzabe,
- Crazy belief that the whole fight isn't for free,
Da za ljude nisi samo disk sto iz plejera laje,
You're not just a man of the cloth,
Trik sto se preraste, hit za dinu-dve,
A trick that grows, a hit for Dina-two,
Samo trip sto traje dok traje i onda cao-ce.
Just a trip that lasts as long as it lasts.
A tebi nije jasno, jer si klinac k'o pre...
And you don't get it,'cause you're a kid like before...
Kroz stvarnosti okno okom okomljen na svet.
In reality, a window of the world.
Refren (svi):
Chorus (all:
Stariji, sjebaniji, ali nuzno iskusniji,
Older, more fucked up, but necessarily more experienced,
I mozda nas sada, tek sada stvarno treba slusati.
And maybe right now, we really need to listen.
Ljudi dodju i odu, tek ponekad se sete,
People come and go, sometimes they just don't,
Al′ tada samo kazu: "Nisam vise dete."
But then they just say, " I'm not a kid anymore."
Ja jesam. Ej, Misko, a ti? Ja jesam. Rade, a ti? I ja sam.
I am. Hey, Misko, how about you? I am. They work, and you? So am I.
Neno, a ti? I ja sam. Slusaoce, a ti?
Nino, how about you? So am I. Listeners, how about you?
Dobro dosli u nas mali svet!
Welcome to our little world!
Slusaoce, da li si spreman za let?
Listen, are you ready to fly?
Pa evo, ima godina... ne mogu vise da se setim.
Here it is, a year... I can't remember anymore.
Kad god pisem stihove, lagano poletim.
Every time I write lyrics, I fly slowly.
I znam dobro, unutar mene je klinja.
And I know, there's a kid inside of me.
Dok bit me voza, muzika rominja...
As long as I'm on the train, the music is roaring...
Pa dignem glavu, zajebem kintu i slavu
I'll raise my head, fuck the money and the glory
I sve ljude sto se trude da mi kazu sta cu da budem
And all the people who are trying to tell me what I want to be
Kad porastem... pa bla-bla-bla...
When I grow up... well, blah-blah-blah...
Bilo nas je vise sad smo mala skupina.
There were more of us now we're a small group.
Hoces kola, hoces kucu, hoces stan?
You want a car, you want a house, you want an apartment?
Tesko je, stizu godine, znam...
It's been years, I know...
A mi smo vecna margina: evo, Filteri i ja...
And we are the eternal margin: here, filters and me...
Toliko godina... srecni smo, pa zaigramo ca-ca-ca.
So many years... we're happy, so we play ca-ca-ca.
Ponekad se pitam sta je to u coveku, da odraste sta ga tera,
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to grow up,
Sta on to smera, ej... sta on to smera?
What's he up to, yo... what's he up to?
A juce su nam pricali bajke evo, pricaju nam i danas,
Yesterday we were told stories, and today we are told stories.,
A mi smo jos uvek deca. Zato, ne brini za nas.
And we're still kids. So don't worry about us.
Rasirenih ociju i toplog srca, s osmehom od Sunca,
With open eyes and a warm heart, with a smile from The Sun,
Dete na vrata kuca... ti, ti samo otvori!
The child is knocking at the door... you, you just open it!
Za sve ljude sa ove strane: tu su Misko, Marcelo,
For all the people on this side: there's Misko, Marcelo,
Nensi, Rade i Lane... i cika Su, pozdrave vam salje!
Nancy, so is Lane... and they say hello to you!
Dignite ruke, sto vise i dalje, da poljubimo ljubav,
Keep your hands up, let's kiss,
Da ostanemo deca. Jer, tu negde u nama, jos jedan klinac ceka
To remain children. Somewhere in the world, there's another child waiting.
Da ga cuvas, i budes njegov andjeo, care...
To guard him, and be his angel, Emperor...
Jedna ljubav, za sve ljude prave.
One love for all people.
Refren (svi):
Chorus (all:
Stariji, sjebaniji, ali nuzno iskusniji,
Older, more fucked up, but necessarily more experienced,
I mozda nas sada, tek sada stvarno treba slusati.
And maybe right now, we really need to listen.
Ljudi dodju i odu, tek ponekad se sete,
People come and go, sometimes they just don't,
Al′ tada samo kazu: "Nisam vise dete."
But then they just say, " I'm not a kid anymore."
Ja jesam. cika Su, a ti? I ja jesam. Lane, a ti? I ja sam.
I am. they're hot, and you? So did I. Lane, What About You? So am I.
Kepo, a ti? (muk starca)
Capo, how about you? (old man murmuring)
...slusaoce, a ti?
...listeners, how about you?

Авторы: soul food

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