Marcelo - Senke - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Senke

Teorija zavere u lobanji jednog sajka:
A conspiracy theory in the skull of a jackdaw:
Gajtan do majka daj ga, pa hajka!
Give me the rope to mother give it, then the chase!
Tajfunu ravan taj sam za gamad
Equal to a typhoon that's me for vermin
Antraks za ljaksad strašna je farsa,
Anthrax for the lazy a terrible farce,
Sav kajmak iz kasa daj nam jer glasam,
Give us all the cream from the cash register because I vote,
Iz sveg glasa ...i šta sad?
With all my voice ...and what now?
Cunamija i sarsa za sav taj narodni vapaj
Tsunami and sauce for all that national outcry
Pa skapaj, nacijo raka!
So die, nation of cancer!
San satkan akcijom štaka
A dream woven with the action of crutches
ćopavih rodoljuba zar sam sramota roditelja,
of limping patriots am I a shame to my parents,
Ako ne jebem ratove jer svaki ima reditelja?
If I don't fuck with wars because each one has a director?
Seri, tebra, svedi me na izdajnika naše "više rase!
Shit, man, reduce me to a traitor of our "superior race!"
Ljudi bre, vama je smešteno al' vam ladovina paše...
People, you've been set up but you enjoy the shade...
Anketa s mitinga radikala: "Cela planeta srpska, vala!
A survey from the radical rally: "The whole planet is Serbian, man!
Samo se sluša Alka Kurvica s ružičastog kanala...
We only listen to Alka Kurvica from the pink channel...
Al' zato na kolac Marčela i "ribu iz Elementala:
But therefore, impale Marčelo and the "fish from Elemental:
Ma kakvo 'Bekstvo',tralalala njihova ruka nas je klala!
What kind of 'Escape', tralala their hand slaughtered us!
...što se mene tiče, nabij disk o kurac, al' nisi mudrac. far as I'm concerned, shove the disc up your ass, but you're not a wise man.
Jadni disko buraz, tvoja zika i tvoj stav koji furaš.
Poor disco brother, your music and your attitude that you push.
Ja bih čistkom sve vas! Gistro za neku Srbiju urlaš,
I would purge you all! You scream your guts out for some Serbia,
A ne znaš ni jedan običaj, ikona ti služi za ukras!
And you don't know a single custom, your icon serves as decoration!
Ne znaš gramatiku ni motiku sad modernica vodi puk,
You don't know grammar or a hoe now modernism leads the people,
Samo laganica godi mu... a godinama muda u procepu!
Only easy stuff pleases him... and for years, balls in the gap!
Iskreno zgrožen svim tim ja i moj bunt smo dream-team,
Honestly disgusted by all that me and my rebellion are a dream-team,
I veći sam patriota iako po mitingu ne zviždim!
And I'm a bigger patriot even though I don't whistle at rallies!
Bolje prouči poreklo, tebra. Dosta igara bez leba!
Better study your origins, man. Enough games without bread!
Taj Karić nek safta glavić, i sva bajka o "narodu s neba!
Let that Karić suck his head, and the whole fairy tale about the "people from the sky!"
Gde je tu ZEMLJA? Dilema: šta bi rekli moj i tvoj deda?
Where is the EARTH there? Dilemma: what would my and your grandfather say?
Sećanja blede na herojska vremena..."
Memories fade of heroic times..."
Ja kažem - ne baš! Rekli bi: "Samo deco ne ginite radi reda,
I say - not really! They would say: "Just don't die for order, children,
Sve je to partija šaha, armija pešaka strada za megdan!
It's all a game of chess, an army of pawns perishes for a duel!
Nikada više, kao edgar! Ikara kliše karasevdah:
Never again, like Edgar! Icarus cliche karasevdah:
Nećeš leteti sve dok vučeš sidra." Vučeš, a ne znaš!
You won't fly as long as you drag anchors." You drag, and you don't know!
Komercijalni predah za mentalne snobove,
Commercial break for mental snobs,
Jer ne shvataju da imamo i lepše stvari za ponos, nego grobove!
Because they don't understand that we have more beautiful things to be proud of than graves!
Svi smo senke prošlosti,
We are all shadows of the past,
Sutra je juče, gde smo danas ja i ti?
Tomorrow is yesterday, where are you and I today?
Dal' su 'svetli grobovi'?
Are they 'bright graves'?
Ili su mrtvi već odavno umorni?
Or are the dead long tired?
Svi smo senke prošlosti,
We are all shadows of the past,
Sutra je juče, gde smo danas ja i ti?
Tomorrow is yesterday, where are you and I today?
Dal' su 'svetli grobovi'?
Are they 'bright graves'?
Ili su mrtvi umorni?
Or are the dead tired?
Ako je otadžbina majka, fakat fura čedomorstvo.
If the homeland is a mother, she's actually into infanticide.
I eto, otad imam taj gard, lakat guram, sve dok moj grob
And so, since then I have that guard, I push my elbow, until my grave
Ne bude bio isklesan trans-ekspres za nebesa,
Is carved trans-express to the heavens,
Al' neću biti tako besan da i odozgo kunem sinove
But I won't be so angry that from above I curse my sons
Da dižu ralo i volove i sebi zabijaju klinove i auto-golove
To raise plows and oxen and drive wedges and own goals
Za činove i šatro-govore kao, mirno je a samo ponor je
For ranks and pseudo-talk like, it's peaceful but it's just an abyss
Sve što vidim! Deset godina dug fitilj!
Everything I see! Ten years long fuse!
A opet je prošlo pet, pa budi ranije dovitljiv!
And it's been five again, so be resourceful earlier!
Opet onaj reper! Stereotipno sere on!
That rapper again! Stereotypically he shits on!
Steram ti ga kroz tvoj stereo u sterilni mozak s teretom!
I'm shoving him through your stereo into your sterile brain with a burden!
Ste rekli "Bog? Taj mobilni pretplatnik nije dostupan,
Did you say "God? That mobile subscriber is not available,
Mnogo smo ga cimali, a bio je strpljiv i postupan:
We bothered him a lot, and he was patient and gradual:
Oče, vidiš! Očevidac si! Oče, vidaj me!
Father, you see! You are a witness! Father, look at me!
Oče, koče siroče..." ...a predsednici bi rat pa neka se počne!
Father, brakes orphan..." ...and presidents would like war so let it begin!
I onda bude šta? Dal' ti se pali prokleta lampica:
And then what happens what? Does that damn light bulb turn on for you:
Nemaš da trampiš šta ili život il' zgarišta!
You have nothing to trade either life or ashes!
Dal' ti se zgadi sad sav taj moderni rat haj-faj?
Do you get disgusted now with all that modern hi-fi war?
Pokreni sat, daj mat! Po meni je kraj za
Start the clock, give checkmate! In my opinion, it's the end for
Epohu starih kazaljki reci mi što smo sakati,
The era of old hands tell me why we are crippled,
Dal' vredi plakati sad kad smo sve izgubili?
Is it worth crying now that we have lost everything?
Jer, nema "Velike Srbije". Nema Kosova.
Because, there is no "Greater Serbia". There is no Kosovo.
Ubili su nam čoveka s vizijom pa sad supu kusamo vuljuškom,
They killed our man with a vision so now we slurp soup with a fork,
Jer imamo (šta?) aplauz za kalauz, karakter
Because we have (what?) applause for a guide, a character
što voli uživo Counter plus, kućni video blokbaster:
who likes live Counter plus, a home video blockbuster:
Severinu & Suzanu da nam bratstvo & jedinstvo vrate
Severina & Suzana to bring back brotherhood & unity
U sekundi, bivša juga drka i opet smo braća, brateee!
In a second, the former south jerks off and we are brothers again, bro!
Dakle, mi smo cigani ko u onoj pesmi od Azre.
So, we are gypsies like in that song by Azra.
Dajte daire il' ću sam da ih maznem a dokle?
Give me tambourines or I'll steal them myself but until when?
.Neću da Srbija ima snage, ja bih da ima pameti!
I don't want Serbia to have strength, I want it to have brains!
Ako nas mrtvi vole, to su njihovi stvarni zaveti!
If the dead love us, those are their true vows!
Možda nam moto nije bonton, al' imamo predivan jezik,
Maybe our motto is not etiquette, but we have a beautiful language,
Predivan folklor to je moj ponos, kapiš!
Beautiful folklore that's my pride, you get it!
Svi smo senke prošlosti,
We are all shadows of the past,
Sutra je juče, gde smo danas ja i ti?
Tomorrow is yesterday, where are you and I today?
Dal' su 'svetli grobovi'?
Are they 'bright graves'?
Ili su mrtvi već odavno umorni?
Or are the dead long tired?
Svi smo senke prošlosti,
We are all shadows of the past,
Sutra je juče, gde smo danas ja i ti?
Tomorrow is yesterday, where are you and I today?
Dal' su 'svetli grobovi'?
Are they 'bright graves'?
Ili smo svi samo senke prošlosti?
Or are we all just shadows of the past?

Авторы: Djordje Miljenovic, Marko Selic, Danilo Kenjalo

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