Marcelo - Takav da mirno spava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marcelo - Takav da mirno spava

Takav da mirno spava
Such that he sleeps peacefully
Kad um prati tempo srca u grudima,
When the Mind follows the pace of the heart in the chest,
Deluje naivno, ali verujem ljudima,
It seems naive, but I trust people.,
Jer verujem da znam samo odane ljude,
Because I believe I only know loyal people,
I onda šamar...
And then a slap...
Trip kao da me bude, hladnim tušem,
It's like a cold shower,
Jer poverenje je trpeza za kojom se jadni služe,
Because trust is the table for which the poor serve,
I kad nisu gladni druže,
And when they're not hungry, mate,
Pa kad shvatim kol′ko je sati,
When I know what time it is,
Skidam čuku kad mi pruže ruku,
I take off my crotch when they give me a hand,
Ja serviram realnosti,
I'm using Reality,
A ako sažvaćeš to sranje,
And if you chew that shit up,
Saznaćeš da ima gorak ukus,
You'll find it tastes bitter,
Jer tu su ortaci koji žele da ti naplate uspeh,
There are people who want to pay for your success,
Ortaci koji žele da te spuste,
Friends who want to put you down,
I kako onda da znaš ko su ti pravi drugovi,
How do you know who your true friends are?,
Kad je zavist uzrok mržnje a korist uzrok ljubavi,
When Envy is the cause of hate and profit the cause of love,
Kako da pričaš sa ortakom ako znaš,
How to talk to a friend if you know,
Da je sve što ti u lice kaže laž,
Everything you say to your face is a lie,
Okrenem leđa i pustim ga da radi svoje,
I turn my back and let him do his thing.,
Jer nekim ljudima nema pomoći,
Because some people can't help,
Tu nema dalje priče, priča puca bez pardona,
There's no more talk, the story shoots without a pardon,
čim u tvojim očima vidim sebe na lomači!
as soon as I see myself at the stake in your eyes!
I dok misliš da ti drži palčeve ustvari sprema pesnicu!
And while you think he's keeping his fingers crossed, he's actually making his fist!
Vreba greškicu da likuje na sprovodu!
He's making a mistake at the funeral!
Vaška što krišom šljaka,
The lice that hides the slag,
šakal sa licem brata,
the jackal with his brother's face,
Gadan i prepun šlajma,
Ugly and full of slime,
Al' takav da mirno spava!
The way he sleeps!
I šta da kažeš čoveku kad nema teret srama?
And what do you say to a man when he has no burden of shame?
Gadne reči mu ne sprže grlo dok ih sklapa.
Bad words don't fry his throat when he puts them together.
Vaška što krišom šljaka,
The lice that hides the slag,
šakal sa licem brata,
the jackal with his brother's face,
Gadan i prepun šlajma,
Ugly and full of slime,
Al′ takav da mirno spava!
The way he sleeps!
Preobražaj, to kad krene to ide,
Transformation, that when it goes-it goes,
Vaške dođu po svoje kad ne prepoznaš gnjide,
Lice get their way when you don't recognize the nits,
Jer iskrenost je vrsta lopate, hobistički grobar,
Because honesty is a kind of shovel, hobbyist gravedigger,
Sa kojim deliš pivo već vidi tvoj odar,
Who you share a beer with already sees your bed,
Nemoćan da odbije onog iz klackalice Boga,
Unable to resist God's wrath,
što mu je ko dečaku šapnuo slogan,
how to make a boy write a slogan,
Kako stići do gore odmah,
How to get up now,
Tako što onaj s kim se klackaš ode dole,
The one you're messing with goes down,
I što je veći to ga tle jače uzme pod svoje,
And the bigger it is, the stronger the soil takes it under its,
I šta da kažeš posle dok pred tobom stoje,
What do you say when you're standing in front of you,
Hvale ustima a mrze okom u kome si tako golem,
I love the way you look and hate the way you look,
Da žele da te smožde ali iz tužne nužde se druže,
They want to kill you, but out of necessity, they,
Jer pička ne sme direkt pa bi da te zgužva bez gužve,
Don't fuck with me, I'm going to kill you without you,
Uže već tu je plus čeljust za ujed,
The rope is already there plus a bite jaw,
I sve to sleđa uz osmeh kuje i jezik guje,
And it all comes down to the smile of the bitch and the tongue of the adder,
što mi glumiš ortaka.?
for playing my partner.?
Što misliš da ne znam šta sereš čim se nađeš s druge strane vrata?
Why do you think I don't know what you're shitting about when you get on the other side of the door?
A sve i da se klacnem dole, ej, čemu se ti nadaš?
And even if I'm down there, Hey, what are you hoping for?
Badava, što bi reko Čava jadan ostaje jadan,
What you're saying is that the poor are still poor,
Al' ne peče hejt koliko licemerni kez,
It's not as bad as hypocrisy,
I nije bedan hejt koliko je bedan blef!
It's not as bad as bluffing!
I dok misliš da ti drži palčeve ustvari sprema pesnicu!
And while you think he's keeping his fingers crossed, he's actually making his fist!
Vreba greškicu da likuje na sprovodu!
He's making a mistake at the funeral!
Vaška što krišom šljaka,
The lice that hides the slag,
šakal sa licem brata,
the jackal with his brother's face,
Gadan i prepun šlajma,
Ugly and full of slime,
Al' takav da mirno spava!
The way he sleeps!
I šta da kažeš čoveku kad nema teret srama?
And what do you say to a man when he has no burden of shame?
Gadne reči mu ne sprže grlo dok ih sklapa.
Bad words don't fry his throat when he puts them together.
Vaška što krišom šljaka,
The lice that hides the slag,
šakal sa licem brata,
the jackal with his brother's face,
Gadan i prepun šlajma,
Ugly and full of slime,
Al′ takav da mirno spava!
The way he sleeps!

Авторы: Dj Raid

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