Maria Rodés - Ay Pena, penita, pena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria Rodés - Ay Pena, penita, pena

Ay Pena, penita, pena
Oh, Sorrow, Little Sorrow, Sorrow
Si en el firmamento poder yo tuviera
If I could have enough power in the sky
Esta noche negra
In this dark night
Lo mismo que un pozo
Dark as a well
Con un cuchillito
With a small knife
De luna lunera
Of moon crescent
Cortaría los hierros de tu calabozo
I'd cut the bars of your dungeon
Si yo fuera reina de la luz del día
If I were queen of the light of day
Del viento y del mar
Of the sea and wind
Cordeles de esclava yo me ceñiría
I'd wrap myself in ropes of a slave
Por tu libertad
For your freedom
Ay pena, penita, pena,
Oh, sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow,
Pena de mi corazón
Sorrow of my heart
Qué me corre por las venas, pena
That runs through my veins, sorrow
Con la fuerza de un ciclón
With the strength of a cyclone
Es lo mismo que un nublado de tiniebla y pedernal
It's like clouds of darkness and flint
Es un potro desbocado que no sabe a dónde va
It's a wild horse that doesn't know where it's going
Es un desierto de arena, pena
It's a desert of sand, sorrow
Es mi gloria en un penal
It's my glory in prison
Ay pena,
Oh, sorrow,
Ay pena,
Oh, sorrow,
Ay pena, penita, pena
Oh, sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow
Yo no quiero flores, dinero ni palmas
I don't want flowers, money or palms
Quiero me dejen llorar tus pesares
I want to cry your sorrows
Y estar a tu vera, cariño del alma
And be by your side, love of my soul
Bebiendome el llanto de tus soledades
Drinking the tears of your solitude
Me duelen los ojos de mirar sin verte
My eyes hurt from looking without seeing you
Reniego de mi
I deny myself
Qué tienen la culpa de tu mala suerte, mis rosas de abril?
Are my April roses to blame for your bad luck?
Ay pena, penita, pena,
Oh, sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow,
Pena de mi corazón
Sorrow of my heart
Que me corre por las venas, pena
That runs through my veins, sorrow
Con la fuerza de un ciclón
With the strength of a cyclone
Es lo mismo que un nublado de tiniebla y pedernal
It's like clouds of darkness and flint
Es un potro desbocado que no sabe a dónde va
It's a wild horse that doesn't know where it's going
Es un desierto de arena, pena
It's a desert of sand, sorrow
Es mi gloria en un penal
It's my glory in prison
Ay pena,
Oh, sorrow,
Ay pena,
Oh, sorrow,
Ay pena, penita, pena
Oh, sorrow, little sorrow, sorrow

Авторы: Antonio Quintero Ramirez, Rafael De Leon Arias, Miguel Manuel Lopez Quiroga

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