Maria del Mar Bonet - Eklemedir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - Eklemedir

Quan no tenia més esperances,
When I had no more hope,
Quan el meu cau només era l'oblit,
When my lair was only oblivion,
Només bevia aquest vi aspre
I only drank this bitter wine
Del més obscur raïm.
Of the darkest grape.
Tu vares dir-me unes paraules
You whispered words to me
Que em van tornar als meus petits abrils.
That brought me back to my little springs.
Amada, amada em deies, i el sol fugia
Beloved, beloved, you called me, and the sun fled,
Gelós d'aquelles nits.
Jealous of those nights.
Amb la tendresa m'acariciaves;
You caressed me with tenderness;
La meva pell volava com un crit
My skin flew like a cry
Perquè somniava amb les paraules
Because I dreamed of the words
Que mai no em vares dir.
That you never said to me.
Vas apagar-te com un capvespre.
You went out like a sunset.
Jo vaig tornar al cau dels meus oblits
I returned to the lair of my oblivion
On m'esperava un vi més aspre:
Where a bitter wine awaited me:
La teva veu fugint.
Your fleeing voice.
Només deu dies varen bastar-te
Only ten days were enough
Per a emmudir, amat, amat
To mute you, beloved, beloved
Ara ets un eco que no em contesta.
Now you are an echo that does not answer me.
Amat, adéu, amat.
Beloved, farewell, beloved.

Авторы: albert garcía, traditional

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