Maria del Mar Bonet - El cant de la Sibilla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - El cant de la Sibilla

El cant de la Sibilla
The Sibyl's Song
El jorn del judici
On the day of judgement
Parrà el qui haurà fet servici
Those who have done their service will appear
Jesucrist, rei universal
Jesus Christ, universal king
Homo i ver Déu eternal
Man and eternal true God
Del cel vindrà per a jutjar
Will come from heaven to judge
I a cada un lo just darà
And will give what is just to each
Ans que el judici no serà
Before the judgement comes
Un gran senyal se mostrarà
A great sign will appear
La terra gitarà suor
The earth will sweat
I tremirà de gran paor
And will tremble with great fear
Terratrèmol tan gran serà
The earthquake will be so great
Que les torres derrocarà
That it will knock down towers
Les pedres per mig se rompran
The rocks will break in half
I les muntanyes se fondran
And the mountains will melt
Los puigs i plans seran igual
The hills and plains will be equal
Allà seran los bons i mals
There will be the good and the bad
Reis, ducs, comtes i barons
Kings, dukes, counts and barons
Que de sos fets retran raons
Who will give an account of their deeds
Gran foc del cel davallarà
A great fire will come down from heaven
Mar, fonts i rius, tot cremarà
It will burn the sea, springs and rivers
Los peixos donaran grans crits
The fish will cry out in pain
Perdent los natural delits
Losing their natural pleasures
El sol perdrà la claredat
The sun will lose its brightness
Mostrant-se fosc i alterat
Becoming dark and altered
La lluna no darà claror
The moon will not give light
I tot lo món serà tristor
And the whole world will be in sorrow
Humil verge, qui haveu parit
Humble virgin, who gave birth
Jesús infant aquesta nit
To the infant Jesus this night
Vullau a vòtron fill pregar
Pray to your son
Que de l'infern vulga'ns lliurar
To free us from hell
El jorn del judici
On the day of judgement
Parrà el qui haurà fet servici
Those who have done their service will appear

Авторы: Traditional, Joan Valent Capella, David Gonzalez Rodriguez, Public Domain Writer

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