Maria del Mar Bonet - Em dius que el nostre amor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - Em dius que el nostre amor

Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
Va ser com un infant
Was like a child
Que dóna al teu cor
Who gave your heart
Els dies que vindran.
The days to come.
Perdut i sense nau,
Lost and without a ship,
Mirall de coses belles,
A mirror of beautiful things,
Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
S'acaba a les estrelles.
Ends in the stars.
Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
Només era el primer,
Was only the first,
Que un altre braç més fort
That another, stronger arm
T'abraçarà més bé.
Will embrace you better.
A punt de ser record,
About to be a memory,
Claror de flor collida,
Brightness of a plucked flower,
Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
No sap trobar la vida.
Does not know how to find life.
Em dius que plori,
You tell me to cry,
Si vull plorar,
If I want to cry,
Em dius que mori
You tell me to die
Fins a demà,
Until tomorrow,
No pots comprendre
You cannot understand
Com el dolor
How the pain
Dura per sempre
Lasts forever
Si es fa cançó.
If it becomes a song.
Em dius que el nostre amor
You say that our love
Era un ocell ferit
Was a wounded bird
Tremolant al teu cor,
Trembling in your heart,
Somniant al meu pit.
Dreaming on my chest.
Amiga de la mort,
Friend of death,
Camí de vela blanca,
Path of white candle,
La llum del nostre amor
The light of our love
és una flor que es tanca.
Is a flower that closes.

Авторы: J. Soler I Amigo

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