Maria del Mar Bonet - L'amor Es Mar Desfeta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - L'amor Es Mar Desfeta

L'amor Es Mar Desfeta
The Love of the Three Oranges
L'amor de les tres taronges
The love of the three oranges
No sabríeu per on cau?
Do you know where it is?
Set gegants diuen que el guarden
Seven giants say that they guard it
Ben tancat amb pany i clau
Well shut with lock and key
De nit, quan la fosca entrava
At night, as the darkness closed in
Veu un llumeneret blau
I see a little blue lamp
Com més va, més lluny el veia
The more I went, the further away I saw
Hi arribaré, si a Déu plau
I'll get there, if it pleases God
Hi arribaré, si a Déu plau
I'll get there, if it pleases God
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Ai, ai! El gegant remuga
Oh, oh! The giant stirs
Sent olor de carn humana
He smells human flesh
La geganta l'ha amagat
The giantess has hidden it
Que el gegant tanta gana
That the giant is so hungry
Que se'l voldria menjar
That he would like to eat it
Dins la mateixa setmana
Within the same week
La nit és fosca, el gegant
The night is dark, the giant
Ronca com la tramuntana
Snores like the north wind
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Els gegants dormen tranquils
The giants sleep soundly
Dormen amb un ull obert
They sleep with one eye open
Collí l'amor en Bernadet
I gathered the love in Bernadet
I abans, que fos descobert
And before it was discovered
Reprèn el camí del vent
I take the path of the wind again
Peus falaguers, cor despert
Flattering feet, awakened heart
Cada cabell li tremola
Every hair of hers trembles
Ai, que la nit l'ha encobert!
Oh, how the night has covered her!
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Ai, ai! que tot set l'encalcen
Oh, oh! all seven are chasing him
La terra crida endavant!
The earth cries out ahead!
Els llança cintes de seda
They throw him ribbons of silk
Flocs de colors que, a l'instant
Flakes of colors that, in an instant
Omplen aquells camps d'espines
Fill those fields of thorns
De ganivets i d'espant
Of knives and fright
De foc, que al punt ja no resta
Of fire, that by now there is no longer
Ni l'ombra d'un sol gegant
Not even the shadow of a single giant
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment
Conten que un príncep, bell i galant
They say that a prince, handsome and gallant
Que no reposa ni un sol instant
Who doesn't rest for a single moment
Tresca la terra com per encant
Leaps the ground as if by enchantment

Авторы: Maria Del Mar Bonet Verdaguer

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