Maria del Mar Bonet - La ploma de perdiu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - La ploma de perdiu

La ploma de perdiu
The Partridge Feather
Si n'hi havia tres ninetes
There were three little girls
Lumberbigudí, bigudon, dondeta,
Round and round, plump and chubby,
Lumberbigudí, bigudeta, don,
Round and round, chubby and round,
Que totes tres brodaven seda,
All three of them embroidered silk,
Lumberbigudí, lumberbigudon,
Round and round, round and plump,
Lumberbigudí, bigudeta, don.
Round and round, chubby and round.
Lo fill del rei s'hi passejava,
The king's son walked by,
Ja els en demana un bri de seda.
He asked them for a bit of silk.
-Què en voleu fer del bri de seda?
-What do you want with a bit of silk?
-El vull per fer una llaçadeta.
-I want to make a little bow.
-Per què en voleu la llaçadeta?
-Why do you want a little bow?
-Per agafar una perdiueta.
-To catch a little partridge.
-Per què en voleu la perdiueta?
-Why do you want a little partridge?
-Per arrancar-li una plometa.
-To pull out a little feather.
-Què en voleu fer de la plometa?
-What do you want with a little feather?
-Hi vull escriure una carteta.
-I want to write a little letter.
-Què en voleu fer de la carteta?
-What do you want with a little letter?
-Vull enviar-la a l'amoreta.
-I want to send it to my sweetheart.
-Què en voleu fer de l'amoreta?
-What do you want with a sweetheart?
-Vull fer-li una abraçadeta.
-I want to give her a little hug.

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