Maria del Mar Bonet - Sa des cavaller - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maria del Mar Bonet - Sa des cavaller

Sa des cavaller
Sa des cavaller
N'era lleuger de la cama
I got out of bed quickly
Tots los mals passos seguia
I followed her wrong way
I el dimoni li eixia
And the devil came out to me
Conforme fos una dama
As if she were a lady
Conforme fos una dama
As if she were a lady
Senyora, què té, què té?
My Lady, what is it, what is it?
Què de nou son marit
What is wrong with your new husband
Que a altes hores de la nit
That at such late hours in the night
Vaia sola p'es carrer?
Leaves you alone in the street?
Vaia sola p'es carrer?
Leaves you alone in the street?
Senyor meu, jo som anada
My Lord, I went
A una casa de joc
To a betting shop
I m'hi he estorbada un poc
And I stayed there a little while
I els meus criats m'han deixada
And my servants left me
I els meus criats m'han deixada
And my servants left me
Senyora, vi soleu venir
My Lady, you tend to come
A casa l'acoiré
I will greet you at home
Bon sopar que li daré
I will give you a good dinner
I un bon llit per dormir
And a good bed to sleep in
I un bon llit per dormir
And a good bed to sleep in
-Si vostè no em destapàs
-If you do not unmask me
I secreta me tengués
And keep me in confidence
I el meu marit no ho sabés
And my husband does not find out
Poria ésser que hi anàs
I could go there
Poria ésser que hi anàs
I could go there
Los dos se'n varen anar
The two went
A casa del cavaller
To the Knight's house
I a lo punt ell li tragué
And at once he brought her
Coses bones per sopar
Good things for dinner
Coses bones per sopar
Good things for dinner
Cavaller, jo ja he sopat
Knight, I have already eaten
Senyora, i jo també
My Lady, so have I
Idò, que veja on
Well, let her see where they have it
Es llit tan ben reguardat
The bed so well kept
Es llit tan ben reguardat
The bed so well kept
Aquí dalt trobarà un llit
You will find a bed up there
Que hi jeia amb la meva esposa
That I shared with my wife
I si em promet una cosa
And if she promises me one thing
Hi podrà romandre anit
She can stay here tonight
Hi podrà romandre anit
She can stay here tonight
-Jo ho tendria per afronta
-I would take it as an affront
Res haver-li de negar
To have to deny you anything
Tot quant demanarà
Everything you ask for
Esta nit anirà a son compte
Will be on your account tonight
Esta nit anirà a son compte
Will be on your account tonight
Com ella se descordava
As she undressed
El cavaller hi va pujar
The Knight went up
Tot d'una li demanà
Suddenly he asked her
Si sabia ambe qui els hava
If she knew who she was with
Si sabia ambe qui els hava
If she knew who she was with
Li contestà el cavaller
The Knight replied
Senyoreta, no res,
My Lady, I do not know anything
Però jo compt haver-lès
But I expect to have it
Amb una dona de
With a good woman
Amb una dona de
With a good woman
No vui fer cap cerimoni
I do not wish to have any ceremony
A ningú d'aquest món nat:
With anyone born in this world
Sabrà vostè en veritat
You shall know the truth
Que les ha amb el dimoni
That you have the devil with you
Que les ha amb el dimoni
That you have the devil with you

Авторы: Maria Del Mar Bonet Verdaguer, Lautaro Rosas Varela

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