Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez - Homenaje a Vicente Fernández - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mariachi Sol De Mexico De Jose Hernandez - Homenaje a Vicente Fernández

Homenaje a Vicente Fernández
Tribute to Vicente Fernández
¡Ora Chente!
Oh, Chente!
Estás son tus canciones, ¡si señor!
These are your songs, my lord!
Grabé en la penca de un maguey tu nombre
I carved your name on the leaf of a maguey
Unido al mío, entrelazados
United with mine, entwined
Como una prueba ante la ley del monte
As proof before the law of the mountain
Que ahí estuvimos enamorados
That we were in love there
Tu misma fuiste quien busco la penca
You were the one who looked for the leaf
La más bonita, la más esbelta
The prettiest, the most slender
Y hasta dijiste que también grabara
And you even said to carve
Dos corazones con una flecha
Two hearts with an arrow
Ahora dices que ya no te acuerdas
Now you say you don't remember
Que nada es cierto, que son palabras
That nothing is true, that they are just words
Yo estoy tranquilo porque al fin de cuentas
I'm calm because after all
En nuestro idilio las pencas hablan
In our romance, the leaves speak
Con gusto vengo a cantarles
With pleasure I come to sing to you
Este muy alegre son
This very happy song
Pa' quitarles la tristeza
To take away your sadness
Y alegrar el corazón
And gladden your heart
No les vengo a presumir
I don't come to show off
Sólo quiero demostrar
I just want to show
Que soy puro jalisciense
That I'm a pure Jaliscan
Amigo a carta acabar
A friend through and through
Dicen que somos malditos
They say we're cursed
Eso es nomás por hablar
That's just talk
Somos hombres que cumplimos
We're men who keep our word
No nos sabemos rajar
We don't know how to back down
El que es nacido en Ameca
He who was born in Ameca
Orgulloso de ello está
Proud of it he is
Como el que nacio en Tequila
Like he who was born in Tequila
Paladeando su mezcal
Savoring his mezcal
¡Ay que bonito es Jalisco!
Oh, how beautiful is Jalisco!
Verás que no he cambiado
You'll see that I haven't changed
Que estoy enamorado
That I am in love
Tal vez igual que ayer
Perhaps the same as yesterday
Quizá te comentaron
Maybe they told you
Que a solas me miraron
That they saw me alone
Llorando tu querer
Crying for your love
Y no me da vergüenza
And I'm not ashamed
Aún con la experiencia
Even with the experience
Que la vida me dio
That life has given me
A tu amor, yo me aferro
I cling to your love,
Y aunque ya no lo tengo
And although I don't have it anymore
No te puedo olvidar
I can't forget you.
A tu amor, yo me aferro
I cling to your love,
Y aunque ya no lo tengo
And although I don't have it anymore
No te puedo olvidar
I can't forget you.
¿De qué manera te olvido?
How can I forget you?
¿De qué manera yo entierro
How can I bury
Este cariño maldito
This cursed love
Que a diario atormenta a mi corazón?
That torments my heart every day?
¿De qué manera te olvido?
How can I forget you?
Si te miro en cualquier gente
If I see you in everyone
Y no quieres ni verme
And you don't even want to see me
Porque te conviene callar nuestro amor
Because it's convenient for you to silence our love
¡Ora chaparrita!
Oh, my shorty!
De tu rancho a mi rancho
From your ranch to my ranch
Mejor mi rancho
My ranch is better
Por querer a una mujer me andan tanteando
For loving a woman they're shadowing me
Uy, uy, uy, uy, que miedo
Oh, oh, oh, oh, how scary
Si me quieren desterrar me avisan cuando
If they want to banish me, let me know when
Con gusto no me voy, me quedo
I won't go, I'll stay
Mientras salga a platicar nomás conmigo
As long as she comes out to talk to me alone
Yo aquí estaré presente
I'll be here
Aunque tenga por su amor mil enemigos
Even if I have a thousand enemies for her love
Que me hablen nada más, de frente
Let them just talk to me face to face
De un rancho a otro está mi destino
From one ranch to another my destiny lies
De un rancho a otro está mi querer
From one ranch to another my love lies
Mientras nos queramos será mi camino
As long as we love each other it will be my path
De un rancho a otro por esa mujer
From one ranch to another for that woman
¡Ay mamacita!
Oh, my dear!
Y si vas a volver, que sea para siempre, condenada
And if you're going to come back, let it be forever, damn you
Este amor apasionado
This passionate love
Anda todo alborotado
Is all worked up
Por volver
To come back
Voy camino a la locura y aunque todo me tortura
I'm on my way to madness, and although everything tortures me
I know how to love
Nos dejamos hace tiempo
We left each other a while ago
Pero me llegó el momento
But the moment has come for me
De perder
To lose
tenías mucha razón
You were very right
Le hago caso al corazón
I listen to my heart
Y me muero por volver
And I'm dying to come back.
Y volver, volver, volver
And come back, come back, come back
A tus brazos, otra vez
Into your arms, once again
Llegaré hasta donde estés
I'll come to you wherever you are
Yo perder, yo perder
I know how to lose, I know how to lose
Quiero volver, volver, volver
I want to come back, come back, come back

Авторы: Federico Mendez Tejeda, Fernando Z Maldonado, Chucho Nila, Jose Angel Espinoza Ferrusquilla, Daniel Calderon

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