Marika Gombitova - Smetiarsky Král - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marika Gombitova - Smetiarsky Král

Smetiarsky Král
Trash King
Jesen sa napila
Autumn has gotten drunk
Kto by sa bál
Who would be afraid
Pod oknom huláka
A howling howls under the window
Zametač vietor
The sweeping wind
Ten smetiarsky král
That trash king
Su zdrapy papiera
Scraps of paper are healthy
Kto by ich bral
Who would take them
Tajomstvo záveti
Secret of the will
Pozná len vietor
Only the wind knows
Ten smetiarsky král
That trash king
Herec a cirkusant
An actor and a circus performer
Kriklavý šál
A gaudy scarf
Z úst kradne slovíčka
Stealing little words from mouths
Milencom všetkým
For all lovers
Ten smetiarsky král
That trash king
Haj starý vetrisko
Hey, old windbag
Kde si dnes spal
Where did you sleep today
Tam v byte nado mnou umrel dnes sused
My neighbour died in the apartment above me today
Ty smetiarsky král
You trash king
Kamarát vetríček
Friend little breeze
Smetiarsky král
Trash king
V posteli železnej
In an iron bed
A nikto pri nom
And no one with him
On doumieral
He was dying
Smrt stará zlodejka
Death, old thief
Viděl ju pes
The dog saw it
Kamarát vetríček
Friend little breeze
Hej starý kamoš
Hey, old friend
Bol si tu dnes?
Were you here today?
Do smetia z podsvetia
Out of the trash from the underworld
Vyšiel si zas
You came out again
Tebe je do spevu
You feel like singing
A mne zas vobec
And I don't feel like anything at all
Zober ta fras
Take that trash
Odid mi od okien
Get away from my windows
Don't bother me
Kosti a hluposti
Bones and nonsense
Všetko je smetie
Everything is trash
Máš pravdu duj!
You're right, blow away!

Авторы: ján lehotský

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