Mario Merola - Zappatore - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mario Merola - Zappatore

Felicissima sera
Felicitous evening
A tutte 'sti signure 'ncravattate
To all those gentlemen in bow ties
E a chesta cummitiva accussi allera
And this certainly cheerful company
D'uommene scicche e femmene pittate
Of dashing men and painted ladies
Chesta è 'na festa 'e ballo
This is a dance party
Tutte cu 'e fracchisciasse 'sti signure
All these gentlemen with their fancy clothes
E' i' ca so' sciso 'a coppa sciaraballo
And I came down from up on the hill
Senza cerca' o permesso abballo i' pure
I don't need permission, I'll dance too
Chi so che ve ne 'mporta
I know you don't care
Aggio araputa 'a porta
I opened the door
E so' trasuto cca'
And I entered here
Musica musicante
Music, musicians
Fatevi mordo onore
Please do me the honor
Stasera miezo a st'uommene aligante
Tonight, among these elegant gentlemen
Abballa un contadino zappatore
Dances a hoeing peasant
No signore avvocato
No, Mr. Lawyer
Sentite a me nu ve mettite scuorno
Listen to me, don't be embarrassed
Io pe' ve fa' signore aggio zappato
I hoed so I could make you a gentleman
E sto' zappanno ancora notte e ghiuorno
And I still hoe day and night
E so' duje anne duje
And it's been two years
Ca nun scrive nu rigo a casa mia
Since I last wrote home
Vossignuria se mette scuorno 'e nuje
You're embarrassed by us
Pur'i mme metto scuorno 'e 'ossignuria
Well, I'm embarrassed by you
Chi so' dillo a 'sta gente
Tell me, who are these people
Ca i' songo nu parente
I'm a relative
Ca nun 'o puo' caccia'
You can't kick me out
Musica musicante
Music, musicians
Ca è bella ll'alleria
This joy is beautiful
I' mo ve cerco scusa a tuttuquante
Now I apologize to everyone
Si abballo e chiagno dint' 'a casa mia
If I dance and cry in my own house
Mamma toja se ne more
Your mother is dying
O ssaje ca mamma toja more e te chiamma
You know your mother is dying and she's calling for you
Meglio si te 'mparave zappatore
It would be better if you learned to hoe
Ca o zappatore nun s"a scorda 'a mamma
Because a hoeing man never forgets his mother
Te chiamma ancora "gioia"
She still calls you "my joy"
E arravugliata dint' 'o scialle niro
And wrapped in her black shawl
Dice "mo torno core 'e mamma soia
She says, "I'll be back soon, the heart of my mother"
Se venne a piglia ll'urdemo suspiro"
If she comes to take her last breath
Chi so vuje mme guardate
Why are you looking at me
So' 'o pate i' songo 'o pate
I'm the father, I'm the father
E nun mme po' caccia'
And you can't kick me out
So' nu faticatore
I'm a hard worker
E magno pane e pane
And I eat bread and bread
Si zappo 'a terra chesto te fa onore
If I hoe the land, that's an honor
Addenocchiate e vaseme 'sti mmane.
Kneel down and kiss these hands.

Авторы: Bovio, Albano

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