Mark Stam - Pașii - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Mark Stam - Pașii

Your Steps
(Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii)
(Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps)
(Ce duceau spre ea)
(That were leading to her)
Azi nu ești în gândul ei
Today, you're not in her thoughts
Ea de ieri nu e a ta
The girl of yesterday isn't yours
Au, rochia jos, s-o vadă altcineva
Oh, the dress falls, so somebody else can see
Rujul pe buzele ei
The lipstick on her lips
Lăsa amprente pe cămașa ta (Da)
Left stains on your shirt (Yes)
De azi va lăsa în seara altcuiva
Starting today, she'll leave them on somebody else's chest
Cuvintele zgârie-zgârie
Her words burn, burn
Da' eu tot cu ele, lasă-ne, lasă-ne
But I'm on them all the time, come on, come on
Ne-aduci pe spot
You bring us to the spotlight
Tu o priveai în ochi, îi spuneai e pe vecie
You looked her in the eyes, you told her it was forever
Nu știa vecia e limitată-n zile
You didn't know that forever was limited by days
Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii ce duceau spre ea
Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps towards her
(Spre ea, spre ea, spre ea)
(Towards her, towards her, towards her)
Erau plini de zâmbete rupte și urme de rimel
Were filled with broken smiles and mascara
E greu uiți când
It's hard to forget when
Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii ce duceau spre ea
Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps towards her
Erau plini de zâmbete rupte și urme de rimel
Were filled with broken smiles and mascara
E greu uiți când
It's hard to forget when
Noaptea de azi nu-i despre somn
Tonight's not about sleep
E despre ea, făceam lumini
It's about her, I made lights
Paharu' gol, iar sufletu' plin de străini
The cup is empty, but my soul is full of strangers
Cu fiecare gând, pare mult mai dureros
With every thought, it seems more painful
Te strângi din bucățele, dar a fost frumos
You pull yourself together, but it was beautiful
Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii ce duceau spre ea
Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps towards her
(Spre ea, spre ea, spre ea)
(Towards her, towards her, towards her)
Erau plini de zâmbete rupte și urme de rimel
Were filled with broken smiles and mascara
E greu uiți când
It's hard to forget when
Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii ce duceau spre ea
Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps towards her
Erau plini de zâmbete rupte și urme de rimel
Were filled with broken smiles and mascara
Prea multe minciuni într-un adevăr
Too many lies in one truth
Atât de bun încât crede și ea
So good that she believes it too
Privirea grea îi lasă-n mâini
Her heavy gaze leaves in your hands
Toată durerea ta
All your pain
Pașii, pașii, pașii, pașii ce duceau spre ea
Your steps, your steps, your steps, your steps towards her
(Spre ea, spre ea, spre ea)
(Towards her, towards her, towards her)
Erau plini de zâmbete rupte și urme de rimel
Were filled with broken smiles and mascara
E greu uiți când
It's hard to forget when
(E greu uiți când)
(It's hard to forget when)
(E greu uiți când)
(It's hard to forget when)

Авторы: Alex Cotoi, Mark Stam

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