Marko Glass feat. Bvcovia - Xanny (Remix) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marko Glass feat. Bvcovia - Xanny (Remix)

Xanny (Remix)
Xanny (Remix)
Am băgat cam patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID
Am băgat cam patru xannies, patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies, four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID
Vreau limuzină mare, noaptea sparge-n continuare
I want a big limousine, break it up at night
Plin de oameni, telefoane, blițul în retină tare
Full of people, phones, the flash is hard on the retina
N-avem timp de arfe coaie, nu știi de ce sunt în stare
We don't have time for bullshit man, you don't know what I'm capable of
Vreau toți banii, vreau valoare, vreau văd lumea cum sare
I want all the money, I want value, I want to see the world jump
Vreau să, rup și scena, iau banii, am plecat
I want to break the stage, I took the money, I'm gone
Hundred bands, ah, am vise de terminat
Hundred bands, ah, I have dreams to finish
Vreau o Tesla, vreau să-mi iau și-un palat
I want a Tesla, I want to get myself a palace
Nici la patruzeci de ani n-o zici m-am lăsat
Even at forty you won't say I gave up
Nu mai pot, dă-te, te rog frumos
I can't anymore, get out of my way, please
Nu ești periculos, știi vin pentru tron
You're not dangerous, you know I'm coming for the throne
Nu vreau strofoc, flow-ul mult prea carnos
I don't want to strain myself, the flow is too meaty
Tot ce scot e prea foc, xanny, eu nu joc, ayy
Everything I put out is too fire, xanny, I'm not playing, ayy
Am băgat cam patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID
Am băgat cam patru xannies, patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies, four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID
Am băgat vreo patru xan-uri și-am băut și niște lean
I took about four xans and drank some lean
Am fumat vreo patru cuie cu o zdreanță în bikini
I smoked about four joints with a chick in a bikini
Mi-a supt-o vreo două ore, not my lover, Billie Jean
She sucked it for about two hours, not my lover, Billie Jean
Între timp ce sună alta, bine am dual sim
Meanwhile another one's calling, good thing I have dual sim
Viața mea-i haos total, Vende-ttaco, trandafiri
My life is total chaos, Vende-ttaco, roses
S-a îndrăgostit nebuna și-acum cheamă la film
The crazy girl fell in love and now she's calling me to the movies
S-ocupat cu alte treburi, lasă-mă, hai mai vorbim
Busy with other things, leave me alone, let's talk later
Între timp cu două timbre pe covor ca Aladin
Meanwhile with two stamps on the carpet like Aladdin
M-a sunat una aseară cică-i place am haz
One called me last night saying she likes that I'm funny
Mi-a făcut un twerk pe FaceTime pe-o piesă d-aia cu bass
She twerked for me on FaceTime to one of those songs with bass
Am chemat-o pe la mine ca ne uităm la Cars
I invited her over to watch Cars
Mi-a pus mâna-n sutien unde ascundea un bars
She put her hand in her bra where she was hiding a bar
Ne-am drogat cam toată noaptea, după mi-a făcut un dans
We got high all night, then she did a dance for me
Am adăugat un mai fiindcă-n timpu′ ăla ne-am ars
I added another one because at that time we were lit
I-a plăcut corpul meu skinny, mie are balans
She liked my skinny body, I like that she's balanced
Dimineața am adormit pe xanny de la Marko Glass
In the morning I fell asleep on xanny from Marko Glass
Dăi cu patru paie și încă patru xanny (xanny)
Hit it with four straws and four more xanny (xanny)
Dăi pe dezbrăcate, ce porți la nani? (nani)
Get naked, what are you going to wear to sleep? (sleep)
Merg să-mi beau cafeaua dar sună golanii (golanii)
I'm going to get my coffee but the bad boys are calling (bad boys)
Ora zece și deja sună banii (banii)
Ten o'clock and the money is already calling me (money)
Cu brigada-n centru fac poze cu fanii (woah-oh)
With the squad downtown taking pictures with the fans (woah-oh)
Suntem tineri bro-ule și se duc anii (woah-oh)
We're young bro and the years are going by (woah-oh)
Nu-s eu Narcos, târfo, și nu vin din Cali (woah-oh)
I'm not Narcos, bitch, and I'm not from Cali (woah-oh)
Da' am plecat de jos, târfo, la fel ca Gali (oh-ooh)
But I came from the bottom, bitch, just like Gali (oh-ooh)
Am băgat cam patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID
Am băgat cam patru xannies, patru xannies in my lean
I put about four xannies, four xannies in my lean
Uit în spate cum trec anii sper pot îmi revin
I look back as the years go by I hope I can recover
Fata ta-ți-nvârte banii pussy boy ești un cretin
Your girl is spinning your money pussy boy you're a moron
Nu te mai da mare gangster, șterg poza din buletin
Don't pretend to be a big gangster, I erase your picture from the ID

Авторы: Bvcovia, Paul Robert Adomnitei

Marko Glass feat. Bvcovia - Xanny (Remix)
Xanny (Remix)
дата релиза

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