Marko Perković Thompson - Ne Boj Se - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marko Perković Thompson - Ne Boj Se

Ne Boj Se
Don't Be Afraid
Ti ne boj se sine vjetra ni kiše,
Fear not, my child, the wind or the rain,
Ni vala što pjeni.
Nor the waves that foam.
Ti ne boj se kćeri kad postanu tiše,
Fear not, my daughter, when you become silent,
Oluje u meni.
The storm within me.
Dok vas ruka nepravde tjera,
While the hand of injustice drives you,
A sjećanje dušu pjeni.
And memory foams your soul.
Tebe neka uvijek hrabri vjera
May faith always encourage you,
I vode koraci njeni.
And her steps lead your way.
Puste su ulice otkad te nema,
The streets are empty since you left,
A noći su tiše.
And the nights are quieter.
Čujem svakim se danom otići sprema,
I hear every day preparing to leave,
Vas sve više i više.
All of you more and more.
Život je staza i trnja i cvijeća,
Life is a path of thorns and flowers,
Ne daj da ti dušu slome.
Don't let it break your soul.
Teško j' naći sreću na kraju svijeta,
It's hard to find happiness at the end of the world,
Ona je u domu tvome.
It's in your home.
Pogledaj u nebo plavo
Look at the blue sky
Ruke pružaj ocu svome,
Stretch out your arms to your father,
Pogledaj u zvijezdu sjajnu,
Look at the shining star,
Nek' te vodi domu tvome,
Let it lead you home,
Ostani na rodnoj grudi,
Stay on your native soil,
Ljubi je i hrabar budi,
Love it and be brave,
Zemlja je mati
The earth is a mother,
K njoj se svatko vrati.
To her, everyone returns.
Kad svega se sjetim dušu mi steže,
When I remember everything, my soul tightens,
Srce tužno mi lupa.
My sad heart beats.
Znam da je teško, bilo je i teže,
I know it's hard, it's been harder before,
Al' onda bili smo skupa.
But then we were together.
Sve će nepravde jednom nestati,
All injustices will one day disappear,
Ostat će u pjesmi, u priči.
They will remain in songs, in stories.
Znaj da te ispod ovog neba narod tvoj ljubi,
Know that under this sky your people love you,
Domovina treba.
Your homeland needs you.
Pogledaj u nebo plavo
Look at the blue sky
Ruke pružaj ocu svome,
Stretch out your arms to your father,
Pogledaj u zvijezdu sjajnu
Look at the shining star
Nek' te vodi domu tvome,
Let it lead you home,
Ostani na rodnoj grudi,
Stay on your native soil,
Ljubi je i hrabar budi,
Love it and be brave,
Zemlja je mati,
The earth is a mother,
K njoj se svatko vrati
To her, everyone returns
Pogledaj u nebo plavo
Look at the blue sky
Ruke pružaj ocu svome,
Stretch out your arms to your father,
Pogledaj u zvijezdu sjajnu,
Look at the shining star,
Nek' te vodi domu tvome,
Let it lead you home,
Ostani na rodnoj grudi,
Stay on your native soil,
Ljubi je i hrabar budi,
Love it and be brave,
Zemlja je mati
The earth is a mother
K njoj se svatko vrati.
To her, everyone returns.
Ostani na rodnoj grudi,
Stay on your native soil,
Ljubi je i hrabar budi,
Love it and be brave,
Zemlja je mati,
The earth is a mother,
K njoj se svatko vrati
To her, everyone returns

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