Marky feat. Eric Löwe & Yung Bruno - Waterproof - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Marky feat. Eric Löwe & Yung Bruno - Waterproof

Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
No qué te vale que en mis noches vele
I don't know what good it does you to watch me at night
Tus pelis de Pordede ya no las quiere nadie
Your movies from Pordede are no longer needed
Me atrapa como finge que soy interesante
It captivates me how you pretend I'm interesting
Transpiro 5 A.M es verano y no entra el aire
I'm sweating at 5 A.M. It's summer and the air's not coming in
Salen zetas de mi cabeza, dejando marcas como el zorro
Zs come out of my head, leaving marks like a fox
Siento que atraiga a tu parienta, le gusta mi name y los gorros
I feel I'm attracting your girlfriend, she likes my name and my hats
Oidos sordos son todos loros
Deaf ears are all parrots
Cierro los ojos no dejo que me entre este cloro
I close my eyes and don't let this chlorine penetrate me
Y giro el vaso
And turn the glass
Reunido con el tablero para que me haga caso
Meeting with the board to make it pay attention to me
Sabe de lo que hablo, bloqueado la busco en Habbo
It knows what I'm talking about, I look for it on Habbo when it's blocked
Le gusta más contarlo, yo prefiero esconderlo
She likes to tell it more, I prefer to hide it
No cuidas a tu trébol, en cuatro hojas lo arranco
You don't take care of your clover, I pull it out in four leaves
Mira estrellas, pide el carro
Look at the stars, ask for a car
Jo que bella, donde salió
God, she's beautiful, where did she come from?
¿Qué quiere ella? Está en tu tarro
What does she want? It's in your jar
Duerme ella, yo lo narro
She sleeps, I tell the story
Me roba feelings como una cleptómana
She steals feelings like a kleptomaniac
Deja el asiento libre prefiere sentarse atrás
She leaves the seat free, she prefers to sit in the back
Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
No qué te vale, que en mis noches vele
I don't know what good it does you to watch me at night
Tus pelis de Pordede, ya no las quiere nadie
Your movies from Pordede are no longer needed
Me atrapa como finge, que soy interesante
It captivates me how you pretend I'm interesting
Transpiro 5 A.M es verano y no entra el aire
I'm sweating at 5 A.M. It's summer and the air's not coming in
Defiende su escudo gastado
He defends his broken shield
Astillas y lloros, me escurro de esta realidad
Splinters and tears, I slip away from this reality
Grilletes exigentes sin mi libertad
Demanding handcuffs without my freedom
Con el agua hasta el cuello sin olas no se nadar
With water up to my neck, without waves, I can't swim
Di siempre la verdad me dice mi madre en mi mente
Always tell the truth, my mother tells me in my mind
Se siente feliz haciéndome vudú clavándome chinchetas en el vientre
She feels happy making voodoo on me, sticking thumbtacks in my stomach
Me va a echar en falta que pena que mi hilo rojo no llegue hasta diciembre
She's going to miss me, what a pity my red thread won't reach December
Y es martes, una tarde de agosto apagando lento esta rabia que arde
And it's Tuesday, an August afternoon slowly extinguishing this burning rage
Mira estrellas, pide el carro
Look at the stars, ask for a car
Jo que bella, donde salió
God, she's beautiful, where did she come from?
¿Qué quiere ella? Está en tu tarro
What does she want? It's in your jar
Duerme ella, yo lo narro
She sleeps, I tell the story
Me roba feelings como una cleptómana
She steals feelings like a kleptomaniac
Deja el asiento libre prefiere sentarse atrás
She leaves the seat free, she prefers to sit in the back
Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
Con el tiempo detrás siento una luz
With time behind me, I feel a light
Me quemará eso dices tu
It will burn me, you say
Se elevará el calor con mi Buff
The heat will rise with my Buff
Me resbala, soy waterproof
It slips off me, I'm waterproof
No qué te vale, que en mis noches vele
I don't know what good it does you to watch me at night
Tus pelis de Pordede, ya no las quiere nadie
Your movies from Pordede are no longer needed
Me atrapa como finge, que soy interesante
It captivates me how you pretend I'm interesting
Transpiro 5 A.M es verano y no entra el aire
I'm sweating at 5 A.M. It's summer and the air's not coming in
Mira estrellas, pide el carro
Look at the stars, ask for a car
Jo que bella, donde salió
God, she's beautiful, where did she come from?
¿Qué quiere ella? Está en tu tarro
What does she want? It's in your jar
Duerme ella, yo lo narro
She sleeps, I tell the story
Me roba feelings como una cleptómana
She steals feelings like a kleptomaniac
Deja el asiento libre prefiere sentarse atrás
She leaves the seat free, she prefers to sit in the back

Авторы: Marc García

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