Maron - Dagdreymandi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maron - Dagdreymandi

er okkur slétt sama um börnin?
Do we even care about the children anymore?
Ef ríkiđ vildi
If the state wanted to
Myndi þađ taka í burtu dópiđ
It would take away all the dope
Taka í burtu dópsala sem gefa folkinu vopnin
Get rid of the drug dealers who give the people the weapons
Fuck that, því þetta allt er show biz
Fuck that, because all of this is show biz
Einsgott hún twerki, og kunni vel viđ tottiđ
It's just as good if she twerks, and knows how to handle that booty
Veist hvađ ég er talum
You know what I'm talking about
Þeir taka tíkur og pengar fram fyrir fokking alla
They take drugs and money before everything else
Ekkert hata
Nothing to hate
Props á þig
Props to you
Góđ plata, nær allavega öllum 14 ára píum á tærnar
Good album, at least that's what it'll do to all the 14-year-old kids
Ekkert mál flexa á krakka
It's no biggie to diss on kids
Sem dag pening frá mömmu og pabba
Who get their daily allowance from mom and dad
Kemur heim tilbaka eftir tón-leik-ana
Who come back home after the concert
Þykist ætla, byrja trappa
Thinking they're going to start dealing
Ekkert nýtt ígángi
Nothing new going on
Einn annar táningur bara áleiđinniá djammiđ
Just another teen on his way to prison
Hann rappara kasta
He saw a rapper throw
200k í crouwdiđ
200k into the crowd
Hanns hetja fæddist
His hero was born
Á hól í breiđholti
In a house in Breidholt
Hvađ erum vid ad gera
What are we doing
krakkar þykjast þurfa eitthvađ róandi
To make kids think they need something to calm down
Hver selur þeim hugmyndina um kóngalíf
Who sells them the idea of a life of luxury
Hver kallar stelpur tíkur? Fkn móđgandi...
Who calls girls bitches? Fkn disgusting...
Enginn furđa marh ser krakka niđribæ Dólgandi
No wonder so many kids end up down there
Hjörtun þeirra kaldari
With frozen hearts
Sumir segja rappum tilfiningar krakkastíll
Some say that rap about emotions is kid stuff
Ef svo er, er ég rappandi međ stolti
If that's the case, then I rap with pride
Gef skít í ykkar dóptónlist
I don't give a shit about your drug music
Förum gegnum daginn
We go through the day
Međ falska brosiđ
With fake smiles
Hverjum degi
Every day
Kynslóđ eftir kynslóđ
Generation after generation
Fallandi í dópiđ
Falling into drugs
Hvar finnur ísland mörkin,mörkin?
Where does Iceland find its limits?
Hvar finnur ísland mörkin,mörkin?
Where does Iceland find its limits?
Hvar finnur ísland mörkin,mörkin
Where does Iceland find its limits
Er okkur slétt sama um börnin?
Do we even care about the children?
Er okkur slétt sama um börnin?
Do we even care about the children?
Spurningin er
The question is
Vaeri okkur sama ef börnin væru okkar?
Would we care if the children were ours?
taka ábyrgđ fyrir einhvern annan
Taking responsibility for someone else
Sketchy er hvernig þađ hljómar
Sounds sketchy
En hvernig manneskjur erum viđ
But what kind of person are we
Horfandi framhjá krökkum sem dópa
Looking away from kids who are doping
Horfandi framhjá 17 ára nota
Looking away from 17-year-olds who use
èg gerđi þađ sama
Yeah I did the same
Og nuna hata ég þá sem voru mér skammta
And now I hate those who dosed me
Fuck you á ykkur alla
Fuck you all
Smoka er ekki sama og spí eđa kókaín
Smoking weed is not the same as using heroin or cocaine
Þú reyna græđa
You're trying to make money
En þú ertađ skemma líf
But you're fucking up lives
Ég sjé til þess expósa thessi fífl
I'm going to expose these fakers
Fuckin kok hausar hlaupandi
Fucking coke heads running around
Á bakviđ tjöldin spilandi kóngalíf
Playing kings of the world behind the scenes
Their eru alltaf jájá thetta er gott shitt
They're always like, yeah this is good shit
Talandi thenna skit
Talking this shit
Thetter ekkert fokking ýkt
That's not fucking lit
Drullusama um mannslíf
Talking to junkies about human life

Авторы: Magnús Katrínarson

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