Marti Stone - X3 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Marti Stone - X3

Sogna con i pugni chiusi e le braccia aperte
Close your fists and open your arms to dream
Si fa bella con le amiche, non lo fa per te
She adorns herself with her friends, she does not do it for you
Corre nelle scarpe nuove controcorrente
She runs against the current in her new shoes
Sa che è una ma per vincere lei dovrà farlo per tre
She knows she is one, but to win, she must do it three times
Nessuno ha mai saputo dirle perché
No one has ever been able to tell her why
Brilliamo e loro ci vogliono spente
We shine and they want us extinguished
Accese solo sotto le coperte
Lit only under the covers
Con gli occhi fuori e la labbra coperte
With eyes wide and lips covered
Merito un posto decente, non morirò dentro a un call center
I deserve a decent position, I will not die in a call center
Non resteremo in silenzio per sempre, chi tace acconsente
We will not remain silent forever, silence is consent
Tu dici stronza, io esigente, voglio una donna presidente
You call me a bitch, I am demanding, I want a woman president
Voglio una donna resiliente, non una che non pesi niente
I want a resilient woman, not one who weighs nothing
Selfie come marionette, fighe solo se trend-setter
Selfies like puppets, cool only if we are trendsetters
Schiavitù senza manette, farò un falò di iPhone 7
Slavery without handcuffs, I will make a bonfire of iPhone 7s
Non sento chi si permette di dirmi "ma come ti vesti?"
I ignore those who dare to tell me "how do you dress?"
Non sarò quella che mette la sua autostima dentro a un hashtag
I will not be the one who puts her self-esteem in a hashtag
You can't tell me how to live, shout it out loud
You can't tell me how to live, shout it out loud
Give me the space I need to breathe
Give me the space I need to breathe
Making my own choices, let me hear your voices raising up
Making my own choices, let me hear your voices raising up
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Cos'è un gioco per bambine? Aspirante cameriera
What's a game for girls? An aspiring waitress
Il mio gioco da bambina? Fare la donna in carriera
My childhood game? To become a career woman
Mi chiamavano maschiaccio, ma io una donna non la schiaccio
They called me a tomboy, but I will not crush a woman
Se mi molli scrivo una canzone giuro non farei una strage
If you leave me, I will write a song, I swear I will not go on a rampage
Se mi uccidi per amore dimmi allora per amore di chi?
If you kill me for love, tell me then for the love of whom?
Se una donna veste nero non dirmi che è amore di dio
If a woman wears black, do not tell me that it is the love of God
You can't tell me how to live, shout it out loud
You can't tell me how to live, shout it out loud
Give me the space I need to breathe
Give me the space I need to breathe
Making my own choices, let me hear your voices raising up
Making my own choices, let me hear your voices raising up
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Don't let 'em let you down
Don't let them let you down
Sogna con i pugni chiusi e le braccia aperte
Close your fists and open your arms to dream
Si fa bella con le amiche, non lo fa per te
She adorns herself with her friends, she does not do it for you
Corre nelle scarpe nuove controcorrente
She runs against the current in her new shoes
Sa che è una ma per vincere lei dovrà farlo per tre
She knows she is one, but to win, she must do it three times

Авторы: Marti Stone

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