May God bless the artist within us, we who know the difference between the self
وهبنا صوتا جميلا وجسدا جميلا اعطانا كنزا
And gave us a beautiful voice and a beautiful body, giving us a treasure
لمسنا باصابعه الطاهرين
Touched us with his pure fingers
ووضع بين ايدنيا وديعة مقدرسة له الشكرله الشكر امين امين
And placed in our hands a sacred trust, to him be the thanks, to him be the thanks, amen, amen
سامحني يالهي ان نسيتك واخذني الغرور واتبعت شهواتي والشرور ولم اعرف ان كل شيئ نعمة منك
Forgive me, O God, that I forget thee and pride takes me and I follow my lusts and evils and do not know that everything is a blessing from thee
الهي احف لي صوتي وقلمي وريشتي احفظ جسدي وجمالي
O God, protect my voice and my pen and my brush, protect my body and my beauty
وحين اعود حين اندم واصير عن الناس والادوار بعيدا كنت معي نور رفيقي وابقى بقربي لاكمل طريقي
And when I return, when I repent and become far from the people and the roles, you were with me, a light, my companion and stay close to me to complete my path
الهي يا الهي
My God, O my God
ليقدس الله افوانا نحن اللذين ميزنا بين الأنا
May God bless the artist within us, we who know the difference between the self
وهبنا صوتا جميلا وجسدا جميلا اعطانا كنزا
And gave us a beautiful voice and a beautiful body, giving us a treasure
لمسنا باصابعه الطاهرين
Touched us with his pure fingers
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