Maryla Rodowicz - I co, i co - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maryla Rodowicz - I co, i co

I co, i co
And so what, and so what
Tamten wieczór wci¹¿ pamiêtam jak zjawisko.
That evening with a man I barely knew,
Wokó³ by³o ma³o œwiat³a, du¿o wina.
Was quite dark, with lots of wine.
Kiedy podszed³ do mnie blisko, bardzo blisko,
When he came up to me very close,
Pomyœla³am - ca³kiem nieŸle siê zaczyna.
I thought - it's going to be quite good.
Na pocz¹tek coœ powiedzia³ niezbyt jasno,
He started with something not quite clear,
¿E przeprasza, ¿e dziœ jego imieniny
An apology that today was his name day.
I ¿e mo¿e mi pokazaæ noc¹ miasto.
And could he show me the city at night?
Fakt. Na miasto nabieraj¹ siê dziewczyny.
That's how girls are taken in by nightlife.
I co, i co, i co, i co.
And so what, and so what.
Coœ siê jeszcze w tej historii wydarzy³o.
Something else must have happened in this story.
Ile trunków siê wypi³o, jakie miejsca odwiedzi³o,
How many drinks were consumed, which places were visited,
Czy w poœcieli kolorowej siê skoñczy³o.
Did it end up in colorful sheets?
I nic, i nic, i nic, i nic.
And nothing, and nothing.
Nic kochani wiêcej ju¿ nie wyci¹gniecie.
My dear, you won't get anything else.
D¿entelmeni oraz damy, bo o takich dziœ œpiewamy,
Gentlemen and ladies, for we sing about such today.
O szczegó³ach nie powiedz¹ za nic w œwiecie.
About the details they won't tell for anything in the world.
Po raz pierwszy zobaczy³am tego pana.
It was the first time I saw this gentleman.
Ale wierzcie, ¿e nie czu³am wcale strachu,
But believe me, I didn't feel scared at all,
Gdy tañczyliœmy zawziêcie a¿ do rana,
When we were dancing wildly until dawn,
Poœród anten i kominów gdzieœ na dachu.
Among antennas and chimneys, somewhere on the roof.
Potem p³aszczem mnie otuli³ miejsce w miejsce.
Then he wrapped me in his coat, part by part.
Tak jak matki otulaj¹ swoje dzieci.
Just the way mothers wrap up their children.
I s³ysza³am jak mu mocno bije serce
And I could hear his heart beating strongly,
I widzia³am jak nad nami chmura leci.
And I could see a cloud passing above us.
A kiedy przyjdzie taki dzieñ,
And when such a day comes,
¿E nam nagle w domach zrobi siê za ciasno,
That we suddenly feel our homes are too small,
To uchylcie okiennice i wyjrzyjcie na ulice
Then open the shutters and look out at the streets,
By zobaczyæ jak wygl¹da noc¹ miasto.
To see what the city looks like at night.
I co, i co, i co, i co.
And so what, and so what,
I nic, i nic, i nic, i nic.
And nothing, and nothing.

Авторы: andrzej sikorowski

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