Masayah feat. Drill - Best Frend - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Masayah feat. Drill - Best Frend

Best Frend
Best Friend
Nate se zanašam zdej
I only rely on you now
Če ti povem iskreno
To tell you the truth,
Frend si mi od nekdaj bil
You've been my friend since forever
Ne dam te za nobeno
Wouldn't trade you for anyone
Zaradi tebe bo zavedno pil
Because of you, my alter ego will forever be drunk
Osamljen alter ego
Lonely alter ego
Ker čakaš za vogalom me
Because you're waiting for me around the corner
To vedno z nizko ceno
Always at a low price
Še spomneš koliko krat
Remember how many times
Sva imela skupaj avanture
We had adventures together?
Zmenke, kurbe, žure
Dates, whores, parties
Vse v imenu te kulture
All in the name of this culture
In nikoli te ne zmanjka
And you never run out
Zato konstantno nucam
That's why I constantly need you
Ker tudi, če tankam se do maxa
Because even if I fill up to the max
Te vseeno lahko zrucam
I can still down you
Zdej pucam, shot, shot
Now I'm chugging, shot, shot
Utapljam se v stresu
Drowning in stress
Zaradi vseh teh grozot
Because of all these horrors
Me ti v boljše boš ponesu
You will take me to a better place
Odnesu bolečino
Take away the pain
Zraven mešam Tangerino
Mixing Tangerine with you
Nimam keša, pijem tebe
I'm broke, I'm drinking you
In razmišljam, ko je fino
And thinking about how good it is
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je pri vsaki družini
Is in every family
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Kolega vsakega kroga
A buddy in every circle
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je vedno tam kjer so fini
Is always there where the cool kids are
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Tu legalna je droga
The legal drug is here
Ko gledam flašo
When I look at the bottle
Zgleda mi na pol polna
It looks half full to me
Ko rad bi, da se ubijem
When I feel like killing myself
Pijem kot žolna
I drink like a woodpecker
Ali pa, da me strezni
Or to sober me up
Tako kot skok iz čolna
Like jumping out of a boat
Ko se ne branim, padam nizko
When I don't defend myself, I fall low
Kot visok golman
Like a tall goalkeeper
Party me vozi
The party is driving me
Faca rdeča je, kot nos klovna
My face is red like a clown's nose
Da ne vem, ali je to Metelkova
I don't know if this is Metelkova
Ali Mostovna
Or Mostovna
Lažje pristopil
I approached easier
Ko beka bla je popolna
When the girl was perfect
Po litru Jacka v hotelu
After a liter of Jack in the hotel
Mi na uho mouna
She whispers in my ear
Vedno si, zjebal mi
You always messed up my
Vse te dobre beke s tabo
All these good girls with you
Prej slečejo pajkice
Take off their leggings sooner
Ko te je preveč
When there's too much of you
Se dilerjem prašijo vagice
Dealers' scales get dusty
Če si v sistemu
If you're in the system
Se z nogami skriva tablice
You hide the license plates with your feet
Ne zadanemo ključavnice
We don't hit the locks
Ko ti hlapiš ven
When you evaporate
Da nisi rešitev, vidim
I see that you're not the solution
Ko popustiš me
When you let go of me
Kot, da včasih mi
Like you sometimes
Fejk nasmeh narišeš
Paint a fake smile on me
Mogoče rad bi
Maybe you want
Da me razkužiš in obrišeš
To disinfect and wipe me off
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je pri vsaki družini
Is in every family
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Kolega vsakega kroga
A buddy in every circle
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je vedno tam kjer so fini
Is always there where the cool kids are
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Tu legalna je droga
The legal drug is here
Primem ti vrat
I grab your neck
In gledam v tebe
And look at you
Odvijem zamašek
I unscrew the cap
Prelijem te v sebe
I pour you into myself
Seveda mi sede
Of course, it hits me
Ševedno jo mede
It still confuses her
A ve, da srce
But she knows that my heart
Mi je hladno kot sever
Is as cold as the north
Ker samo za tebe kolega
Because only for you, buddy
Mi bije
It beats
Samo za zvok, ko sok
Only for the sound when the juice
Se nalije
Pours in
Samo za kick in snare
Only for the kick and snare
Samo za alko, ko
Only for the alcohol that
Me nabije
Hits me
Samo za frend terapije
Only for friend therapy
Ti poznaš mozak od Mie
You know Mia's brain
Ti veš moje trilogije
You know my trilogies
Ti maš dovolj empatije
You have enough empathy
Ti si mi tisti
You are the one
Ki vedno je zraven
Who is always there
Ko raven ljubezni
When the level of love
Na dnu je in gnije
Is at the bottom and rotting
In vem, da si tisti
And I know that you are the one
Ki troši mi pare
Who spends my money
Ko v baru naročam
When I order at the bar
Si faking Sangrije
You're the freaking Sangria
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je pri vsaki družini
Is in every family
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Kolega vsakega kroga
A buddy in every circle
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Je vedno tam kjer so fini
Is always there where the cool kids are
Moj Best Frend
My Best Friend
Tu legalna je droga
The legal drug is here

Авторы: Mia Puhar Rodin, Mia Rodin

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