Masayah - Brez Milosti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Masayah - Brez Milosti

Brez Milosti
No Mercy
Na svetu ni recepta
There is no recipe in the world
S katerim lepše preživel bi
With which you could spend more beautifully
Ker enkrat, ko imaš neki
Because once you have some
Avtomatsko več imel bi
You would automatically have more
Al so centi, producenti
Whether they are centimeters, producers
Hoteli, pičke, shopping centri
Hotels, pussies, shopping malls
Pljuvali ste rap
You were spitting rap
A zdej bi vsi bli 50cent-i
But now you all want to be 50 Cent
Džabe vam zlate kajle
Your gold canes are useless
Če vas lahko js zakajlam
If I can curse you
Niti ura, ne frizura
Neither a watch nor a hairstyle
Ti ne pomore k slabim lajnam
Will help you with bad lyrics
Bitch, na beat ti lajam
Bitch, I'm barking at you to the beat
Kot ščene brez lastnika
Like a puppy with no owner
Beat rabi bit surov
The beat needs to be raw
Koščene pičke js ne tikam
I don't put bony pussies
Js hodim vedno višje
I always go higher
Ker več se ne spotikam
Because I don't stumble anymore
Folk na netu kaže slike
People on the net show pictures
A v lajfu se ne premika
But don't move in life
Js grem po poti dalje
I keep going down the road
Dok ne zmanjka mi kisika
Until I run out of oxygen
Dirita iz obale
A whore from the coast
Iz podzemlja in smodnika
From underground and gunpowder
Ne rabim js nakita
I don't need jewelry
Da te kita jebe v glavo
For the whale to fuck you in the head
Ženska tukaj spita
The woman is sleeping here
Ženska fuka tvojo malo
The woman is fucking your baby
In če je mala huda
And if the baby is bad
Pol pokličem njeno mamo
Then I'll call her mother
Ker očitno vse te vase ženske
Because obviously all these village women
Tekajo za mano, koša
They run after me, a basket
Nisem ti kriva
I am not your fault
Da sem boljša kot mamila
That I am better than drugs
Da ti pička je zategnjena
That your pussy is tight
Ma z namo se je sprostila
Well, it relaxed with us
Sva padli v debato
We fell into a debate
Je vidla da js mam to
She saw that I had it
Kreiram svoje vode
I create my own waters
Medtem ko ti kreiraš blato
While you create mud
Moje vode so deroče
My waters are raging
In ne zapiram se v škatlo
And I don't lock myself in a box
A ti starimoj
But you are an old man
Ne veš kaj delaš s svojim lajfom
You don't know what you're doing with your life
Zmanjkalo bo časa ti
You will run out of time
Ta čas ko brez obraza si
This time when you are faceless
In ti ne opaziš
And you don't notice
Da ne veš kaj delaš s svojim časom
That you don't know what you're doing with your time
Ekipa je pronta
The team is ready
Prihajamo na fronto
We are coming to the front
Prišli smo s 100tko
We came with a 100 pounder
A šli skozi govno
But went through hell
In pol se mi vprašaj
And then ask me
Yo kako je to možno
Yo how is that possible
Ker tukaj ni več milosti
Because there is no more mercy here
Za to je prepozno
For this it is too late
Blood, sweat n′ tears
Blood, sweat n′ tears
Js si trgam dol kožo
I tear my own skin off
Za darilo dej mi majk
Give me the Mayk as a gift
Ne mi dat fucking rožo
Don't give me a fucking rose
Ker kaj mi bo pomagala
Because what will it help me
Če ne nudi mi možnost
If it doesn't give me a chance
Da nardim kej iz sebe
To make something out of myself
Da imamo boljšo prihodnost
So that we have a better future
Te, ki mam rada so vse kar mam
Those who I love are all I have
Vse jim dam
I give them everything
Ker sm zgubila že ljubezen
Because I have lost love already
Ne bo mi spet šla stran
It won't go away from me again
Jsm trpela, klela
I suffered, cursed
Ne razumela
Didn't understand
Da to je edino fer v lajfu
That this is the only fair thing in life
Od genija do kretena
From genius to jackass
Zato te pičko čaka doza
That's why you have a pussy ticket waiting
Na moji starni kardela
On my side the cadre
Sem par sekund stran
I am a couple of seconds away
Od končnega strela
From the final shot
Zgazim degena
I'll run over a degenerate
Dam te v preteklost
I'll put you in the past
Nisem reper, sem umetnik
I'm not a rapper, I'm an artist
Vse kar delam je umetnost
All I do is art

Авторы: Mia Puhar Rodin

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