Masayoshi Yamazaki - Bi-Dama Scope - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Masayoshi Yamazaki - Bi-Dama Scope

Bi-Dama Scope
Bi-Dama Scope
まどろみの午後 にわか雨が通りすぎてく
In the afternoon of half-dozing, a sudden rain passed by
虹の向こう側で 夏が静かに動きだした
On the far side of the rainbow, summer silently began to move
Unraveled by the south wind,
a few blue memories.
ラムネ色した うたた寝の夢
A siesta dream in the color of Ramune
揺れる陽炎 遠い蝉時雨
Shimmering heat haze, and the sound of distant cicadas
Hearts stirred by the sight of you in a yukata
夕方 渚で君の手を引いて
In the evening, at the beach, I held your hand
まぼろしの様に すべてが光に包まれて
Like an illusion, everything was bathed in light
These passionate thoughts
Don't seem likely to cool down for a while.
プールの匂い 歪むアスファルト
The smell of the pool, the distorted asphalt
The hidden desire under my sweaty shirt
If I could lose myself in this slightly giddy night,
帰りたくない 帰したくない
I wouldn't want to leave, I wouldn't want to let you go.
Unaware of the pain in our sunburned backs,
ビー玉の中 短い夏が過ぎてく
In the glass bead, the short summer passes.
気まぐれな君は 逃げ水のようで
You, as capricious as a mirage,
細いうなじに 我を忘れそう
I could lose myself in your slender nape.
Heart captured by the sight of you in a yukata
夕方 渚で君にくちづける
In the evening, at the beach, I kissed you.
There should be nothing sad,
言葉少なに 何故か切なくなって
Yet for some reason, I feel strangely moved, lost for words.
黄昏の中に 閉じ込められたように
Trapped in the dusk,
In the glass bead, summer passes.

Авторы: 山崎 将義

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