Masih & Arash Ap - Yadame - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Masih & Arash Ap - Yadame

Yadame (Memories)
گفتی قلبم با کسی نیست که به بازی بگیری منو
You said my heart wasn't with anyone, just to play with me
چیو میخواستی ببینی من شکستم به طور کافی
What did you want to see? I was broken enough already
کشتی تو احساسمو ، چی مونده واسمو
You destroyed my feelings, what's left for me?
گفتم آدمی نگام کن،شدم آدمی عادی واست
I said, look at me as a person, but I became just ordinary for you
تو دادی یادم،نباشم،مثه آدم با کسی بازم
You taught me to forget, to be like a normal person with someone else again
کشتی تو احساسمو
You destroyed my feelings
چی مونده واسمو
What's left for me?
کی گفته بود کنارمه
Who said they were by my side?
کی بود فک کردم که آدمه
Who was it I thought was a decent person?
کی بود دوسش داشتم یه عالمه
Who was it I loved so much?
کی گند زدش،بهم زدش
Who ruined it, broke it?
من یادمه
I remember
دس خوش
همش سیا بازی بود
It was all a dark game
دوسم نداشتی حتی قدر بند انگشت
You didn't even love me the size of a fingernail
بعد من با کی ست میشه لباسا ها
After me, whose clothes will match with yours?
کی میشه پا پیچت باز
Whose legs will be intertwined with yours again?
تو موی مارپیچ باد
In the wind's swirling hair
با دست کی جای دست من جای بازی شه
Whose hands will replace mine as a playground?
دوس نداشتم عادی شه
I didn't want it to become ordinary
بگو چی میخواستی از من ها
Tell me, what did you want from me?
نگفتی چجوری دس تنها
You didn't say how I could, all alone
کنار هم بچینم اینهمه خاطره رو
Piece together all these memories
چجوری یادم بره
How can I forget?
فک کردی که چجوری آدم دلش یهو میره
Did you think how someone's heart suddenly leaves?
میده از دست اعتمادشو میشه برعکس میشه قطعا یادم نرفته هنو کی بهم زد
Loses their trust, becomes the opposite, definitely, I haven't forgotten who broke me yet
فک کردی پریدن با این و اون سخته نه؟
Did you think flitting around with others is difficult? No?
نباشی هستن،ولی من دلم نمیخواد خودم دست و پامو بستم،میفهمی...
There are others if you're not around, but I don't want to. I've tied my own hands and feet, do you understand...
کی گفته بود کنارمه
Who said they were by my side?
کی بود فک کردم که آدمه
Who was it I thought was a decent person?
کی بود دوسش داشتم یه عالمه
Who was it I loved so much?
کی گند زدش،بهم زدش
Who ruined it, broke it?
من یادمه
I remember
کی گفته بود کنارمه
Who said they were by my side?
کی بود فک کردم که آدمه
Who was it I thought was a decent person?
کی بود دوسش داشتم یه عالمه
Who was it I loved so much?
کی گند زدش،بهم زدش
Who ruined it, broke it?
من یادمه
I remember
(مسیح،آرش ای پی،مسعود جهانی)
(Masih, Arash AP, Masoud Jahani)

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