Maso - No Te Dejes Vencer - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maso - No Te Dejes Vencer

No Te Dejes Vencer
Don't Be Overcome
Vas por ahi,
You go out there,
A divertirte
To have fun
Con tus amigos...
With your friends...
Tratas de evitar
You try to avoid
A esa gente
Those people
Que te molesta...
Who bother you...
Pero amigo
But my friend
Ya veras
You'll see
Que no es tan facil
That it's not so easy
Vivir en paz!
To live in peace!
Suelen decir
They usually say
"No hay mal
"There is no evil
Que dure siempre"
That lasts forever"
Te preguntan:
They ask you:
¿Que es lo que haces?
What do you do?
¿Cual es tu vida?
What's your life like?
¿En que trabajas?
What do you work at?
¿Y de que vives?
And what do you live off of?
¿Y a donde vas?
And where are you going?
Son como perros de presa,
They're like attack dogs,
Te la jugaran.
They'll play you.
No dejes que te asusten
Don't let them scare you
Ellos son el poder.
They are the power.
Y tu tienes la calle,
And you have the streets,
No te dejes vencer...
Don't be overcome...
Tu respeto
Your respect
Esta hartando
Is satiating
La autoridad...
Those in power...
Debes saber
You must know
Quien es
Who is who
Quien manda
Who's in charge
En la ciudad...
In the city...
Si es que gritas demasiado
If you shout too much
Se encargaran de reprimirte!
They'll take care of repressing you!
"No te salgas
"Don't step
De la raya"
Out of line"
Te han avisado.
They have warned you.
Son los perros del poder,
They're the dogs of power,
Si te descuidas lo tienes claro!
If you're not careful, you're in trouble!
¿De donde vienes?
Where do you come from?
¿Y a donde vas?
And where are you going?
Son como perros de presa,
They're like attack dogs,
Te la jugaran.
They'll play you.
No dejes que te asusten
Don't let them scare you
Ellos son el poder.
They are the power.
Y tu tienes la calle,
And you have the streets,
No te dejes vencer...
Don't be overcome...
No dejes que te asusten
Don't let them scare you
Ellos son el poder.
They are the power.
Y tu tienes la calle,
And you have the streets,
No te dejes vencer...
Don't be overcome...
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Авторы: Tomas Otero

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