Massaka feat. Monstar361 - Anlat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Massaka feat. Monstar361 - Anlat

Tell me
Anlat biraz kendini yorcan
Tell me about yourself, I'm all ears
Herşeyi biliom şahidin olcam
I know everything, I'll be your witness
Anlat niye karanlık ortam?
Tell me why it's dark?
Seni iyi tanırım yine de sorcam
I know you well, but I'll ask again
Çünkü karıştık şeytana boldan
Because we messed with the devil in a big way
İyiydik ama bizi aldı o yoldan
We were good, but he took us down that path
Kulağıma felsefe geldi hep soldan
Philosophy kept whispering in my ear
Kesemiz hep dolu kölesi olmam
Our pockets are always full, I won't be a slave
Biliyom tüm melekler kaçtı
I know all the angels have fled
Aşk hiç yok muydu? Kalbine katkı
Was there no love? No contribution to your heart
Vardı tüm hayaller battı
There was, all dreams sank
Çok sevdim ama kahpe bıraktı
I loved her so much, but the bitch left me
Kiraz dudaklar bal gibi tatlı
Cherry lips sweet as honey
Gülün dikenleri ellere battı
The thorns of the rose pierced my hands
Sinsi yılan maske arkası saklı
A sneaky snake hides behind a mask
Gerçeği görünce sürmeler aktı
When I saw the truth, the mascara ran
Anlat! Yeraltı dibinde
Tell me! Underground
Yürüdüğümüz ip her zaman ince
The rope we walk is always thin
Gözümüz kara iyicene dinle
We're hardcore, listen carefully
Herşeyi değişti baba gidince
Everything changed when my father left
Her yer karanlık üstüme çöktü
Everywhere is dark, it's crushing me
Hayat kalbimi yerinden söktü
Life ripped my heart out
Karganın sesi kulağımda öttü
The sound of the crow echoed in my ears
Yaz günü gargat yaprağını döktü
The gargat leaf fell on a summer day
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat! Ben ne anlatim ki
Tell me! What can I tell you?
Çoğu mapusta ya da junky
Most are in jail or addicted to drugs
Bi'kaç kişi gitti sattı bizi
A few went and sold us out
İhanetten kalır izi
Betrayal leaves a scar
Vallaha inan ki harbiden sanki
I swear to God, it's as if
Çöktü karanlık herkes kanki
Everyone has fallen into darkness
Ben bilirim ben tanırım seni
I know you, I recognize you
Seversin sen değerini bileni
You appreciate those who value you
Ben değer verdim de ne oldu?
I gave my heart, and what happened?
Değerimizi bilen de zaten yoktur
No one appreciates us anyway
Nankör olan piçler çoktur
There are many ungrateful bastards
Ya kör ya da gözü toktur
Either blind or spoiled
Soracak soru değildir bilirim
I know it's not a question you should ask
Yine de içimde olanı derim de
But I'll still say what's on my mind
De... De... De tabi
Of course
Deki söylim harbiyi
Let me tell you the truth
Neden bakanlar bakmaz oldu?
Why don't the ministers look anymore?
Çünkü görenler görmez oldu
Because those who see, don't see
Kanla bitecek onların yolu
Their path will end in blood
Benim başlangıç gelmedi sonu.
My beginning did not come, the end.
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address
Anlat çoğunu yıllar yordu
Tell me, the years have tired you
Bahçe kurudu güller soldu
The garden has withered, the roses have faded
Fırtanada bile çökmez ordu
Even in a storm, the army won't fall
Yola devam mermi adres sordu
Continue on, the bullet asked for an address

Авторы: Murat Ilhan, Rahmi Karasu

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