Massaka - Aralık Ayazı - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Massaka - Aralık Ayazı

Aralık Ayazı
December Frost
Krallar geçti tahta
Kings were seated upon the throne's crest
Boğazım yırtıldı koptu tasma
My throat is torn, the leash is broken
Kulağında siren bas ve gazla
Your ear's filled with the siren's song, drive faster
Massaka ağır gelir derdi fazla
Massaka would be too much, too heavy to bear
Bin kere öl ama gelde yazma
Thousands of deaths, but come on, don't write about that
Aralık ayazı çöktü yazla
December frost has spread across the plains
Kan süt karıştı çöktü tasma
Blood and milk mixed, the leash has broken
Geri dönüş yok adım yok asla
There's no going back, my name is gone forever
Kan doldu doldu yerler
Blood filled the streets, it's everywhere
Benim ritimim bak sirenler
My rhythm, oh, the sirens' song
Bahçe dolu hep dikenler
The garden's full of thorns
Harbi babadır benim frenler
My brakes are true, my father's words
Kara sokaktan güç aldım yansın alevle tutuşsun heryer
I drew strength from the dark streets, may it burn with flames and ignite everything
Yazdım karardı defter gyumruğu vurdum ve çatladı mermer
I wrote, and as darkness filled the notebook, I slammed my fist, and the marble cracked
Cehennem ev dibin yinede erimedin
Hell is at your doorstep, yet you remain unmelted
Gecenin ayazında bedeni yeniledin
You've renewed your body in the night's frost
Karardı gökyüzü altında serinledim
The sky has darkened, I've cooled under it
Düzeni gördüm ama yine de sevemedim
I saw the world's order, but I still couldn't love it
Cehennem ev dibin yinede erimedin
Hell is at your doorstep, yet you remain unmelted
Gecenin ayazında bedeni yeniledin
You've renewed your body in the night's frost
Karardı gökyüzü altında serinledim
The sky has darkened, I've cooled under it
Düzeni gördüm ama yine de sevemedim
I saw the world's order, but I still couldn't love it
Hayat üstünde düştü zarlar
Life's dice rolled on your head
Umutlarımıza yağdı karlar
Snow fell upon our hopes
Para mamül yansın mallar
Commodities burn in gold, as money is made
Bu ortamda olursun harbi barbar
In this climate, you'll become a true barbarian
Mermi hazır verildi karar
The bullet's loaded, and the decision's made
Kardeşi satsın ve gelde yalvar
Sell your brother and come beg for more
Tutacak yer yok kırıldı dallar
There's nowhere to hold on, the branches are broken
Kapı önünde sırf köpek havlar
The dog barks in front of the door
Gece olacak ansızın gelir
The night will come, and it will sneak up
Hesap alınacak soğuktur demir
The reckoning will come, and the iron is cold
Kış ortasında buzlar hep erir
In the heart of winter, the ice always melts
Adamlar yolda verildi emir
Men on the road, and orders were given
Sokaklar bu sene yattı tavan
The streets have become a ceiling this year
Sen çabuk koş git ve Eve kapan
Run quickly, and go hide in your home
Kapı önünde yok kardan adam bak
Look outside, there's no snowman
Bu sene gelmeyecek noel baban
Santa won't be coming this year
Cehennem ev dibin yinede erimedin
Hell is at your doorstep, yet you remain unmelted
Gecenin ayazında bedeni yeniledin
You've renewed your body in the night's frost
Karardı gökyüzü altında serinledim
The sky has darkened, I've cooled under it
Düzeni gördüm ama yine de sevemedim
I saw the world's order, but I still couldn't love it
Cehennem ev dibin yinede erimedin
Hell is at your doorstep, yet you remain unmelted
Gecenin ayazında bedeni yeniledin
You've renewed your body in the night's frost
Karardı gökyüzü altında serinledim
The sky has darkened, I've cooled under it
Düzeni gördüm ama yine de sevemedim
I saw the world's order, but I still couldn't love it

Авторы: Murat Ilhan

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