Massiv - Wenn man es verliert - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Massiv - Wenn man es verliert

Wenn man es verliert
When You Lose It
Hazme un favor se que pronto vas a enamorarla
Do me a favor, I know you're going to fall in love with her soon
Nunca falles y ni por error se te ocurra engañarla
Never fail and don't even think about cheating on her
Se muere con los detalles y le encantan los Ferrero
She dies with the details and loves Ferrero
Busca a alguien que la protega y por ella se haga un guerrero
Find someone to protect her and be a warrior for her
Que ni se te ocurra usar gorra si es que sales con ella
Don't you dare wear a cap if you go out with her
Y así la veas en pijama dile que se ve tan bella
And even if you see her in pajamas, tell her she looks so beautiful
Te va a hacer sentir un niño de verdad como pinocho
She's going to make you feel like a little boy, really like Pinocchio
Y el día en que te le declares porfa que no sea 18
And the day you declare your love for her, please don't let it be the 18th
No seas tonto cuídala y cumple lo que te pida
Don't be silly, take care of her and do what she asks
Y si un perro se acerca tu hazla sentir protegida
And if a dog approaches, make her feel protected
Háblale con la verdad que la mentira saldrá a flote
Talk to her with the truth, the lie will come out
Y si quiere competir déjala que te derrote
And if she wants to compete, let her defeat you
Desvélate con ella ablando por video llamada
Stay up late with her talking on video call
Demuéstrale que a esa mujer no la cambias por nada
Show her that you wouldn't trade that woman for anything
Cuando se agá la enojada tu dile que se ve tierna
When she gets angry, tell her she looks cute
Dile que en tu corazón es la única que gobierna
Tell her that she's the only one who rules in your heart
Síguele el juego cuando se agá la sentida
Play along when she pretends to be sensitive
Ruégale cuando se enoja aunque no sepas que le pasa
Beg her when she gets mad, even if you don't know what's wrong with her
Nunca la pierdas pues sin ella morí en vida
Never lose her, because without her I died in life
Y cuando le pidas ser tu novia que no sea en la plaza
And when you ask her to be your girlfriend, don't do it in the square
Y estarás a su lado hazme un favor
And be by her side, do me a favor
No le agás lo que yo
Don't do to her what I did
Tu si llénala de amor
You fill her with love
Y si vas a estar con ella por favor entiéndeme escúchame
And if you're going to be with her, please understand, listen to me
Y no cometas mi error
And don't make my mistake
Acá entre dos tu y yo sabemos bien que
Here between the two of us, you and me, we know well that
Ella todavía me quiere más sin embargo falle
She still loves me more, but I failed
Hazme el favor de decirle todos los días
Do me the favor of telling her every day
Que la quieres como a nadie y que sin ella morirías
That you love her like nobody else and that without her you would die
Si de verdad la quieres olvida el tequila
If you really love her, forget the tequila
Acaricia su mejilla y al besarla hazlo muy lento
Caress her cheek and when you kiss her, do it very slowly
Dedícale canciones le encanta Camila
Dedicate songs to her, she loves Camila
Y No le falles y si quieres un final feliz de cuento
And do not fail her, and if you want a happy ending to the story
Bésala bajo la lluvia tocando suave su pelo
Kiss her in the rain, gently touching her hair
Dile que escoja una estrella y tu la bajaras del cielo
Tell her to choose a star and you will take it down from the sky
Si la llevas al café no te sientes en nuestra mesa
If you take her to the café, don't sit at our table
Te advierto que es muy sensible háblale con delicadeza
I warn you that she is very sensitive, talk to her with delicacy
Tenle paciencia pues fácil mente se estresa
Be patient with her, because she gets stressed easily
Y dile que su inteligencia complementa su belleza
And tell her that her intelligence complements her beauty
Hermano, quiérela como la quise
Brother, love her as I loved her
Y hazme el favor de amarla mucho y sanar el daño que hice
And do me the favor of loving her very much and healing the damage I did
Y v estarás a su lado hazme un favor
And be by her side, do me a favor
No le agás lo que yo
Don't do to her what I did
Tu si llénala de amor
You fill her with love
Y si vas a estar con ella por favor entiéndeme escúchame
And if you're going to be with her, please understand, listen to me
Y no cometas mi error
And don't make my mistake

Авторы: Taha Wasiem, Abaz Imran, Cestro

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