Matis - Esta Nit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Matis - Esta Nit

Esta Nit
This Night
Hui t'escric esta cançó,
Today I write you this song,
Per contar-te que no hi ha temps.
To tell you that there is no time.
Estic vençuda si estic amb tu.
I am defeated if I am with you.
Quan et mire, sols d'admire.
When I look at you, I only admire.
Apunte mirades que reboten al teu cos.
I aim glances that bounce off your body.
Quan et mous em fas volar
When you move you make me fly
Quan et mous em fas volar
When you move you make me fly
Si recordes les voltes que portes
If you remember the spins you take
Sonant a les cordes,
Sounding on the strings,
Serà que et recorde que la meua sang
You will be reminded that my blood
Està impregnada per l'amor.
Is impregnated with love.
Que la meua sang està impregnada per l'amor.
That my blood is impregnated with love.
Som espurnes, que apaguem la soledat,
We are sparks, that quench loneliness,
Quan estem prop s'encén la flama
When we are close the flame is lit
Que ens enlaira fins del cel,
That lifts us to the sky,
S'encén la flama que ens enlaira fins el cel.
The flame is lit that lifts us to the sky.
I esta nit tornarem a trobar-nos al teu llit
And this night we will meet again in your bed
I esta nit parlarem fins sentir-nos respirar,
And this night we will talk until we feel each other breathe,
I esta nit provarem de dormir-nos abraçats,
And this night we will try to fall asleep in each other's arms,
I esta nit somiarem convertits en ocellets.
And this night we will dream of becoming little birds.
I esta nit
And this night
I esta nit
And this night
I esta nit tornarem a trobar-nos al teu llit
And this night we will meet again in your bed
I esta nit parlarem fins sentir-nos respirar,
And this night we will talk until we feel each other breathe,
I esta nit provarem de dormir-nos abraçats,
And this night we will try to fall asleep in each other's arms,
I esta nit somiarem convertits en ocellets.
And this night we will dream of becoming little birds.
I esta nit
And this night
I esta nit
And this night
I esta nit
And this night
I esta nit
And this night
Convertits en ocellets.
Becoming little birds.

Matis - Llum
дата релиза

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