Matt Force - If I Die Tomorrow - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Matt Force - If I Die Tomorrow

If I Die Tomorrow
If I Die Tomorrow
日復日 朝九晚十到底為咗啲乜
Day after day, from nine to ten in the morning and late at night, what exactly are we doing it for?
The last puff of a cigarette slowly disappears at the window
The hour and minute hands begin to appear anxious again
Most of all, I hope the vinyl record I love will continue playing as I stop breathing
就這樣消極 晴天霹靂
It's getting worse like this, a bolt from the blue
The balance in life has long since disappeared
Just like a skyscraper has long since turned into rubble
佢只希望可以搵到希望 喺個罅隙
I just hope I can find hope in the cracks
太多壓力壓逼 心裏面太壓抑
Too much pressure, too much oppression in my heart
The more my heart wants to gain strength, the harder I fight
係解唔開嘅結 逃唔過嘅劫
It's an inextricable knot and an inescapable fate
神來之筆幫唔到我寫上新一頁 根本無分別
A divine inspiration can't help me write a new page, makes no difference at all
The smile on my face always seems a little forced
The wrinkles on my face always tell me how strong I am
Enemies are so shameless and despicable in the habit of stealing
佢仍然知道邊條道路通往地獄 天堂喺天上
I still know which road leads to hell and heaven is in heaven
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
地上嘅所有 都毀於人嘅手
All things on earth are destroyed by human hands
無得返轉頭 最要提防係人嘅口
No turning back, the most important thing to watch out for is people's mouths
為咗最無謂嘅嘢去深究 總有口實
To investigate the most trivial things, there is always an excuse
目的係為咗製造爭鬥 要將你收拾
The purpose is to create strife to get rid of you
乜嘢嘅眼界 有乜嘢視野
What kind of vision, what kind of vision?
Judging the truth depends on which way the scales tip
應有嘅憐憫 佢當係施捨
The mercy he should have, he takes for granted
只要保持到佢個遊戲規則 其他嘢 "I don't care"
As long as you keep his game rules, other things "I don't care"
最陰毒嘅例子 永遠被當作勵志
The most sinister examples are always taken as motivation
要維持佢嘅位置 眾人嘅眼淚都只係瑕疵
To maintain his position, the tears of the crowd are just flaws
當誇張嘅數字 變成日常
When exaggerated numbers become everyday
最短暫嘅一秒 都覺得漫長
The shortest second feels very long
距離有萬丈 現實同幻想交纏嘅腦
The distance is ten thousand feet, reality and fantasy are intertwined
Only dim streetlights illuminate my way
The air gets thinner as you climb higher
寧為玉碎不作瓦存 殘喘喺糞土
It's better to be broken jade than a whole tile, lingering in the dirt
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow
話我知 我要點做 If I die tomorrow
Tell me what I should do if I die tomorrow
你要知 你要點做 If you die tomorrow
You should know what you should do if you die tomorrow

Авторы: Mattias Anders Lidehaell

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