Maximilian feat. Valentin Campeanu - A 5a Roata La Caruta (feat. Valentin Campeanu) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maximilian feat. Valentin Campeanu - A 5a Roata La Caruta (feat. Valentin Campeanu)

A 5a Roata La Caruta (feat. Valentin Campeanu)
The 5th Wheel on the Cart (feat. Valentin Campeanu)
Eu nu ştiu cum se vede din exterior
I don't know how it looks from the outside
Da' cred Maxi-i ăla arogant, superior
But I think Maxi is arrogant and superior
Ăla cu fete-n stânga, cu fete-n dreapta
The one with girls on the left, girls on the right
E nişte adevăr pe acolo, realitatea-i alta
There's some truth to it, but the reality is different
Şi anume faptul n-ai făcut ochii mari
And namely the fact that you didn't open your eyes wide
Până nu mi-am pus şapca şi-o pereche de ochelari
Until I put on a cap and a pair of glasses
Până n-am dat cu "Sophie", "Domnişoare", "Parapanta"
Until I came out with "Sophie", "Young Ladies", "Paraglider"
Tu ai crezut ce-ai vrut, da' realitatea-i alta
You thought what you wanted, but the reality is different
Şi anume faptu' c-am fost la concerte multe
And namely the fact that I've been to many concerts
La unele nici nu catadicseau asculte
Some of them didn't even bother to listen to me
Da' n-o mint, bănuţii erau pansamentu'
But I won't lie, the money was a bandage
N-au reuşit o clipă să-mi alunge sentimentu'
They didn't manage to chase away the feeling for a moment
e ceva-n neregulă, sunt complet pe lângă
That something's wrong, that I'm completely out of it
Cunoşti deja băiatul, ştii n-o plângă
You already know the boy, you know he won't cry
A 5-a roată la căruţă nu-i capăt de ţară
The 5th wheel on the cart is not the end of the world
înc-o ardem în căruţă ar trebui doară
That we're still burning in the cart should hurt
A 5-a roată la căruţă
The 5th wheel on the cart
În ţara-ţara lu' Măruţă
In the country of Măruţă
Când totu-i praf în jurul tău
When everything around you is dust
Nu-i ăsta răul cel mai rau
This is not the worst evil
Acuma Maxi-i deja superstar
Now Maxi is already a superstar
Da' n-a mai scris de mult nici două versuri tari
But he hasn't written two good lines in a long time
Stă cocoţat acolo sus pe piedestal
He sits perched up there on a pedestal
De l-ar fi pus vreo cineva accidental măcar
Even if someone had put him there accidentally
Nu, nu, para-pa-para-ta-tara-ta inte
No, no, para-pa-para-ta-ta-tara-ta inte
Para-pa-para-ta-ta-tara-tara-tara prinde
Para-pa-para-ta-ta-tara-tara-tara integrates
Mi-aduc aminte, cântare-n Centrul Vechi
I remember, singing in the Old Town
Când toţi erau la mine doar ochi şi urechi
When everyone was all eyes and ears for me
Eu urmăream gagica cea mai tare de la party
I was chasing the hottest chick at the party
Venise atunci si Laur - Guess - Okapi, tati!
Laur - Guess - Okapi, daddy, came then!
Am terminat cântarea, a fost aşa şi aşa
I finished the song, it was so-so
Am coborat după gagica, da-i cerea deja
I went down after the chick, but he was already asking
Autograf lu' Laurentiu, ghici unde? Pe ţâţă
Laurențiu's autograph, guess where? On his boobs
Iar m-am simţit a 5-a roată la căruţă
I felt like the 5th wheel on the cart again
Până când mi-am dat seama nu merită panarama
Until I realized that the chick was not worth the hassle
Da' tot am adormit atunci cu teama
But I still fell asleep then with the fear
C-o fiu mereu...
That I'll always be...
A 5-a roată la căruţă
The 5th wheel on the cart
În ţara-ţara lu' Măruţă
In the country of Măruţă
Când totu-i praf în jurul tău
When everything around you is dust
Nu-i ăsta răul cel mai rau
This is not the worst evil

Авторы: Maximilian

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