Maya Berovic - Harem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Maya Berovic - Harem

Plešem sa tobom a
I dance with you and
Preko tvoga ramena ga gledam
Over your shoulder, I watch him
Andjeo ili vrag
Angel or devil
Ko sam više i ne znam
Who I am more, I no longer know
A to ludilo me ubilo
And that madness killed me
A ta magija me napila
And that magic intoxicated me
U meni sve si ubio
In me, you killed everything
A toliko sam srca ranila
And I wounded so many hearts
A toliko sam srca ranila
And I wounded so many hearts
A toliko sam srca ranila
And I wounded so many hearts
A toliko sam srca ranila
And I wounded so many hearts
A toliko sam srca ranila
And I wounded so many hearts
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends
I grešim opet al znam
And I sin again but I know
Da ćeš glave mi doći
That you'll come for my head
Crna duša crn si sav
Black soul, you're all black
Oči crne kao noći
Eyes black as night
Od takvih glava me zaboli
From such heads I get a headache
Takve ljubiti je zločin
To love such is a crime
A takvi ljube najbolje
But such love the best
Oni glave će mi doći
They'll come for my head
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends
U okove me stave
They put me in chains
Svaki put kad mi jave
Every time they tell me
Da lomiš klubove
That you're breaking clubs
Oko tebe harem bacaš pare
A harem around you throws money
Grliš stare drugove
You hug old friends

Авторы: Jasmin Fazlic, Amar Hodzic

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